
Device ID

73 bytes added, 14:22, 2 July 2020
On the Android Xamarin app, before version 1.0.80, depending on the version of the OS, the [| Build.SERIAL] is accessed (below Android 8), and [| Build.getSerial] starting with Android 8, also requiring the <code>READ_PHONE_STATE</code> permission. With Android 10, the function only works for devices enrolled in an organization.
Version 1.0.80 of the Xamarin Android app based the device ID onto the [| ANDROID_ID (SSAID)], in the same way to how the native Android client does it. This also removed the need for the <code>READ_PHONE_STATE</code> permission. This method now also works for Android 10+, even for unenrolled devices.
[[Category:Android|Device ID]]