
Authenticate (Activity)

2,451 bytes added, 10:22, 25 March 2020
Created page with "This activity pushes a single content object to {{UBIK}} Push service participants. <!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS -->{{Template:Activity/Begin}}<!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS --> = Descr..."
This activity pushes a single content object to {{UBIK}} Push service participants.

<!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS -->{{Template:Activity/Begin}}<!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS -->

= Description =
| title = PushContent
| name = PushContent
| image =
| imagecaption = Activity PushContent
| purpose = Push a single object
| category = UBIK Push
| returns = true if successful
| version = 2.4.2+

{| class="wikitable sortable" | width = "50%"
! Argument !! Type !! Direction !! Purpose
|- align="left"
| UBIKObject || [[BaseClass]] || In || The object to be pushed; this argument is mutually exclusive with the argument ''UBIKObjectUID''
|- align="left"
| UBIKObjectUID || {{Guid}} || In || The UID of the object to be pushed; this argument is mutually exclusive with the argument ''UBIKObject''
|- align="left"
| ParentDepth || {{Integer}} || In || The number of hierarchical parent levels to be also updated when a push is received
|- align="left"
| ChildrenDepth || {{Integer}} || In || The number of hierarchical child levels to be also updated when a push is received
|- align="left"
| PushClient || [[Push Service (Client)|PushService]] || In || The instantiated push client to be used; normally inherited from a hosting [[Activity:CreatePushScope (Activity)|CreatePushScope]] activity, but can be overwritten here

Use this activity to push a single object to certain {{UBIK}} Clients. The criterions to which clients the object should be actually pushed can be defined with subsequent PushCriterion activities.
It is a nestable activity, which means it can host any amount of sub-activities that will be processed sequentially. The hosted activities are typically Push criterions like PushCriterionLogin, either as direct children but also wrapped within looping activities like ForEach or While.

This example pushes the object with the defined UID to all clients of its hosting [[Activity:CreatePushScope (Activity)|CreatePushScope]] activity as defined in its subsequent criterions; if no criterions are defined the push will be received by all clients of the push service.

{| class="wikitable" | width = "50%"
! Argument!! Value
|- align="left"
| UBIKObjectUID|| new System.Guid("f5eea25c-9ad4-4be4-b11a-5814a4160c3e")

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==See also==
* [[Workflow Designer]]
* [[Activity:CreatePushScope (Activity)]]