
Smart Studio Beta History

289 bytes added, 08:09, 28 January 2020
/* Release Candidate (2020-01-XX) */
* Fixed a bug in the loading of meta properties in the Inheritance Graph.
* Fixed the instance editor's busy indicator.
* Fixed local debugging of staged customizing assemblies.
* Starting SmartStudio with ''-CONNECTDB:[connectstring]'' or ''-CONNECTDB'' is now possible, where the latter will reconnect to the last opened database
* Added restarting and reconnecting to previous database capability
* Required Added required restarting of the App with elevated customizing assemblyprivileges
* Consolidated framework target versions (.Net 4.6.1) and NuGet package versions for all projects in the Visual Studio solution.
* Added new WebService version 2.6.4 for local testing/debugging
* Removed legacy WebService version 2.6.2
* MetaClasses deriving from SYSTEMOBJECT have a wrong class type "Inherited" (10) after saving to environment by default (now changeable).
* The immediate coding window is prone to errors and crashes.
* Local debugging through Visual Studio with WebService version 2.6.3 does not work properly, please use version 2.6.4 instead!
[[Category:Smart Modelling|Smart Studio Beta History]]