
Version 2.6 (Server)

149 bytes removed, 17:32, 17 December 2019
/* New features */
* A new method (EvaluateBaseChildrenCollectionExt) on the UBIK ViewItems gives access to the current UBIK Session which provides a full set of new possibilities when customizing the children collection depending on (e.g.) the current login.
* UBIK provides a Numeric [[Sequence_Generator|Sequence Generator]] now. It gives the possibility to create unique sequential ids for different number groups.
* UBIK provides a new classification enriching the set of features when creating object containers:** [[SYSCLS_CREATEINSTANCE_OBJECTCONTAINERCategory:Version 2.6|Specialized object container classification objectVersion 2.6 (Server)]]
=== Bugfixes ===