# Customize its method ''CustomPropertyGroupRights''. Note that there is a parameter ''metaPropertyName'', so this is about a specific property. Now it becomes interesting, because you have multiple options depending on the degree of detail you want to control the property rights for:
#* '''On meta class level''': If the rights for every property are the same for all instances of a meta class, but differ by user, you should evaluate the relation between the meta class and the user group.
#* '''On meta property level''': If the rights for a property are the same for all instances of a meta class, but differ by meta property and user, you should evaluate the relation between the meta property and the user group. If a meta property is used on multiple meta classes with different rights, you may have to evaluate the relation between: A) the relation data between meta class and meta property and B) the user.
#* '''On content object level''': If the rights for every property are the same for the same content object, you should evaluate the relation between the object and the user group.
#* '''On property level''': If the rights for a property depend only on the user, you should evaluate the relation between an attribute on the property and the user group (an attribute is needed because you can't relate a property to anything).