

249 bytes added, 10:22, 4 December 2019
| ''AutoBranchSyncPeriod''|| Denotes the period for automatic branch synchronization in minutes. Its value is set to "0" by default, when the ''AutoBranchSync'' is set to false. Otherwise it should take an other figure.
| ''BranchDownloadSubLevels''|| Denotes which and Determines how many sublevels below a branch should be downloaded. Its value download is set performed. If not configured (equals to '''0''' by default), ian entire branch is downloaded in one attempt.eIf set to 1 for example, the 1st level children of the selected root is first analyzed, then sub branch downloads are performed for each of the children. it does not Basically the higher the number, the more "fragmented" the branch download lower levels automaticallybecomes. This usually increases the overall download time, but can be helpful for scenarios like really large branches or unstable networks since it has a better chance of finishing smaller individual downloads.
| ''Customizing''|| Denote your specific folder for XAMLs that depict how the Content is displayed, here. If, by default, the value is set to ''i:nil='''true''''', then the specific XAML folder is denoted by the name of the Profile at the bottom of the Profile Description.
== Content ==
== Push==
== Scan==
== Session==
== Final Settings ==
== Augmented Reality ==