
Smart Studio

8 bytes removed, 14:49, 21 October 2019
Worksheets can be saved either to the connected {{UBIK}} Environment or to the currently active project.
===== '''Saving Worksheets to the Project''' =====
You can save an active worksheet to the project using the confirm button (the icon is a hook/check symbol) in the tool bar, or using the "Save to Project" context menu item.
A project can have multiple worksheets with overlapping content (i.e., models that exist in multiple worksheets). Changing a worksheet can affect other worksheets after saving the change in order to keep consistency (this happens automatically): the worksheet content is propagated to all other worksheets (and to the project), so that your project situation is consistent.
===== '''Saving Worksheets to the {{UBIK}} Environment''' =====
You can save an active worksheet to the currently connected {{UBIK}} Environment busing the "Save to {{UBIK}} Environment" toolbar button or context menu item.
However, in some cases the worksheet content needs to be combined with what you already have in order to resolve conflicts.
===== '''Merging worksheets with the {{UBIK}} Environment''' =====
It is possible to merge a worksheet with the Environment ({{UBIK}} database).
The result of such a merge is not saved yet; you can edit it and decide what to do with it - e.g., save it to the project, save it to the environment or dismiss it.
===== '''Merging worksheets with the SmartStudio project''' =====
You can also merge a worksheet with the currently active project, without saving it.