
Xamarin XAML

732 bytes added, 13:48, 22 August 2019
According to the order of the BoxView and the Label, the latter should appear on top of the former (later ones have higher z-index levels). However, this can be disturbed by layout compression, causing the exact opposite.
In this case, you can add a <code>xmlns:android="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.Core"</code> namespace to your Xaml file and manually elevate the Label by specifying <code>android:VisualElement.Elevation="X"</code> on it accordingly (X is the delta of the z-index level you want).
=== SfListViewExt ===
For performance reasons, we created an extended version of the Syncfusion SfListView control and it should be used for all lists in customizings. You need to add a namespace like <code>xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL"</code> to your Xaml file and use it like <code><controls:SfListViewExt ... /></code>.
{{Hint|Technically speaking, SfListViewExt informs item view models when their corresponding item views appear on / disappear from the screen. This way, view models can skip a lot of unnecessary work (on the UI) when their views are not visible. '''If SfListView is used instead, the item views will not reflect content changes until the page is reloaded/refreshed.'''}}
[[Category:Styling|Xamarin XAML]]