
Xamarin XAML

613 bytes added, 09:46, 3 July 2019
=== Custom Pages ===
Custom pages can be added, just like on the WinX client. However, all '''namespace definitions''' need to be added at the beginning of the file, otherwise, the custom page will not load.
=== Adding Images ===
Images can't be loaded with the default '''Image''' tag, as the image is on different paths on each operating system.
Therefore, there's a custom '''FileImage''' that internally overrides the default ''Image'' with two custom parameters:
* FolderName ...The name of the '''folder''' in the '''local folder'''. It just seems to work with just one level.
* FileName ...The name of the '''file''' in the said folder.
Make sure to implement the proper namespace as well by adding
<code>xmlns:fimage="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL"</code> into the root item's attributes.
== Differences to WinX ==