
HowTo:Create a new QueryScope

6 bytes removed, 11:22, 25 October 2017
# It is recommended to set at least name and description
# Save the changes with {{key press|Ctrl|S}} or the save command
# Add a parent scope using the inheritance field in the ObjectExplorer of the scope if needed. MetaProperties form the parent scope will now be added to the scope also <br/> [[File:InheritFromAbstractScope2.PNG|400px]]
# The object needs to be added to the list of scope objects of the according [[Application]]. Use the {{Rel|SYSREL_CONTEXTSCOPE|SYSREL_CONTEXTSCOPE}} relation to add individual objects to the list of scopes.<br/>[[File:UI_MetaClassScope_03.PNG|330 px|border|alt=MetaClassScope|MetaClassScope]]
# Save the changes with {{key press|Ctrl|S}} or the save command