

1,006 bytes added, 15:31, 1 June 2017
/* Converters */
Converts the presence of a classification to visibility. One or more classification UIDs have to be provided separated by '|'.
* ContainsToVisibilityConverter/ContainsToCollapsedConverter
Converts the presence of an one or more item (s) in a collection (e.g. int array) to visibility.* ContentListToMetaListConverter* DateTimeToOffsetConverter* DateTimeToSolidBrushConverter* DebugConverterParameter with one or more items has to be provided separated with '|'.
* DistanceToStringConverter
* DocumentCountToStringConverterA distance in meters provided as double will be converted into a comfortable redable distance (e.g. "0.5 m", "1.7 km")
* DoubleToLocalizedStringConverter
A double value will be converted to the current localisation* EditablePropertyToVisibilityConverter/EditablePropertyToCollapseConverter
* EnumerableGetToValueConverter
* EqualToTrueConverter
* EqualToVisibilityConverter/EqualToCollapsedConverter* EvalExpressionConverter* FilterCriterionToValueConverterConverts equality to visibility. A parameter with a compare value hast to be provided.
* IntToSolidBrushConverter
* ItemCountToEmptyLabelVisibilityConverterConverts the 4 bytes (ARGB) of an integer value to a Brush* ItemCountToVisibilityConverter/ItemCountToCollapseConverter* LiveValueAgeToStringConverter* LiveValueQualityToStringConverterConverts presence of items in a collection to visibility.
* NullableIntToStringConverter
Converts a nullable int to a string. {null} will be an empty string
* NullObjectToBooleanConverter
Converts an object to boolean depending from being null or not.* NullObjectToVisibilityConverter/NullObjectToCollapsedConverterConverts an object to visibility depending from being null or not.* NullOrEmptyStringToVisibilityConverter/NullOrEmptyStringToVisibilityConverterConverts a string to visibility depending from being null/empty or not.
* NumericToGridLengthConverter
Converts an integer to grid length.* NumericToVisibilityConverter/NumericToCollapsedConverter* PriorityToVisibilityConverterConverts a number to visibility, deppending from being '0'.
* PropertyItemToValueConverter
* PropertyNameExistsToVisibility
* SelectiveListToItemsConverter
* SortDirectionToSymbolConverter
* StringFormatConverter
* ToStringFormatConverter
Converts an object ot a formatted string. A format string has to be provided as Parameter (e.g. "#.0"). A special behavior is provided by the format string "0.": in this case the numeric value will be truncated at the separator instead of being rounded!
* TypeToVisibilityConverter
Converts the presence of a type to visbility (e.g. whether an object is "String")
* ValueValidityToVisibilityConverter
=== Advanced ===