

775 bytes added, 15:24, 20 June 2016
Created page with "The WKTToGeography Activity converts a WKT string to a UBIK Geography object. =Description= {{ActivityInfoBox | title = WKT To Geography | name = WKTToGeography | image = |..."
The WKTToGeography Activity converts a WKT string to a UBIK Geography object.

| title = WKT To Geography
| name = WKTToGeography
| image =
| imagecaption = Activity WKTToGeography
| purpose = Convert WKT To Geography
| category = UBIK Geography
| returns = The created geography object
| version = 2.5.2+


{| class="wikitable sortable" | width = "50%"
! Argument !! Type !! Direction !! Purpose
|- align="left"
| WKT|| [[string]] || In || The WKT string to convert into a UBIK geography object.
|- align="left"
| Result|| [[Geography]]|| Out || The converted geography object.

This activity is used to convert a WKT into a UBIK geography object.

<headertabs />

==See also==
* [[Workflow Designer]]