
MRO Objects (Client)

633 bytes added, 13:02, 3 June 2016
MRO is a set of {{UBIK}} objects object which allow to represent and document maintenance, repair and operations work on the mobile client. Therefore, a set of specific objects can be used to provide the needed structureof MRO jobs:
* ==== Task Owner ====A [[SYSCLS_MROCLS_TASKOWNER#Task Owner]]is an object having a substructure of jobs to be done. It can have a tree of other task owners or work packages underneath that will update the status of the task owner. This status consists of technical, organisational and progress informations. With a task owner a user can get an overview of all the work to be done in the underlying job structure. ==== Work Package====* A [[MROCLS_MRO_WORKPACKAGE#Work Package]]is a collection of objects to be  ==== Task ====* [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#Task]]** ===== Measurement Task =====[[MROCLS_MRO_MEASUREMENT_TASK#Task]] Inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#Task]]** ===== Progress Task =====[[MROCLS_MRO_PROGRESS_TASK# Progress Task]] Inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_MEASUREMENT_TASK#Task]]** ===== Check Task =====[[MROCLS_MRO_CHECK_TASK#Check Task]] Inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#Task]]** ===== Inspection Task =====[[MROCLS_MRO_INSPECTION_TASK#Inspection Task]] Inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#Task]]
== See also ==