

200 bytes added, 12:31, 11 December 2015
{{Version/ServerSinceA [[Reference]] [[ReplicationConfiguration|2Replication configuration]] defines how to replicate (copy) objects being referenced by or referencing an (source) object.5The configuration itself is done on the [[SYSREL_REPLICATION_REFERENCE (Relation Data)|relational data]] between two [[InstanceReplication|Instance Replication]] objects related via [[SYSREL_REPLICATION_REFERENCE|Reference Replication]] relation.1}}
A Reference Replication configuration defines how to replicate (copy) objects being referenced by or referencing the source object. The configuration is done on the [[Reference Replication relation data]] between two [[InstanceReplicationAvailable {{Version/ServerSince|Instance Replication]] objects2.5.1}}.
The mechanism provides the possibility to configure and control the detailed replication behavior as:
[[Category:Version 2.5|ReferenceReplication]]