
Mobile Free Text Search

435 bytes added, 19:44, 27 May 2015
/* Individual words and connected phrases */
In this case, wrap your connected phrase into quotation marks ({{Code|"}}) - the search text interpreter will handle it as a single criterion.
Example: {{Code|Chuck "He who needs no nickname" Norris}} will result into three criteria (one of them being the phrase "He who needs no nickname").
What does this mean? For example, let's say we have an object named "Mount", another one named "Everest" and a third one named "Mount Everest".
If you search for {{Code|Mount Everest}}, all three objects will be found. If you search for {{Code|"Mount Everest"}} instead, only the last object (with a name containing the whole phrase) is found.
[[Category:Android|Mobile Free Text Search]]
[[Category:Search|Mobile Free Text Search]]
=== Dates and times ===