
UBIK Client Basics

160 bytes removed, 15:13, 20 May 2015
Client applications are available for Android and Windows 8.1, however the features available on each of the platform dependent applications might differ. An overview of the available features can be found in the [[Client_Feature_Table|feature comparison table]].
== Prerequisites ==
=== Demo Login ===Username: Demo<br Users need to login in order to access confidential data. This can be done in the [[Login Dialog]]. {{Version/>AndroidSince|2.4.5}}Password: 1234There is now the possibility to define user credentials on a webservice and therefore not allow the user to alter his settings.A [[Restricted Login Dialog]] is presented to the user, where he can only choose his name out of a list and type in his password.
== Working with {{UBIK}} ===== Settings ===
Users can configure access and edit the settings controlling {{UBIK}} environment using the [[Settings|settings list]].
There is the possibility to predefine settings for every user via a web service. If this feature is used, settings are no longer alterable on the client. For further information see [[Restricted Login Dialog]].
=== Login ===Users need to login in order to access confidential data. This can be done in the [[Login Dialog]]. {{Version/AndroidSince|2.4.5}}There is now the possibility to define user credentials on a webservice and therefore not allow the user to alter his settings.A [[Restricted Login Dialog]] is presented to the user, where he can only choose his name out of a list and type in his password. === Navigation Drawer ===
[[File:UI_Android_Navigation_Drawer.png|180 px|thumb|border|alt=Navigation Drawer|Navigation Drawer]]
=== Info Activity ===
Shows static information about the app, like the version code and the minimum required web service version.
Also allows to [[Add a Certificate (UBIK Android)|add a server certificate]] to the app.
=== Content Browser ===
Allows to navigate through the entire data model in a hierarchical manner, as it is published by the server.
==== Context Menu ====
==== Root objects ====
==== Child objects ====
==== [[Task Objects (UBIK Android)|Task objects]] ====
==== [[Query Objects (UBIK Android)|Query objects]] ====
==== Editors ========= Geo Editor =====Editor used to set GEO locations for a specific content object. This is done by accessing the GEO property editor of the object. ==== Properties ========= Boolean Properties =====
The user can switch {{Boolean}} properties by either clicking the checkbox in the property list view (without visible editor), or by clicking the property row to open the corresponding editor.
===== Selective List Properties =====
The user can select a value from a list of possible values for this property, by clicking on the saved property value on the property list view. The corresponding editor is displayed with the drop-down list already expanded. Once the user selects a value from the list, the value is immediately saved and editor closed. It is also possible to cancel the editing or delete the value.
===== Teach In =====
The user can enter the location manually or, if available, can use the location provided by the positioning service. In case the positioning service doesn't deliver any location the user has only the possibility to enter the location manually.
==== Documents Editors ========= Redlining Geo Editor =====Editor used to set GEO locations for a specific content object. This is done by accessing the GEO property editor of the object. === Documents ======= Redlining ====
See the section [[Documents_(UBIK_Android)#Redlining|redlining]] in the [[Documents_(UBIK_Android)|Documents]] article.
=== AR Features ===
==== POI View ====
Brings up the [[POI View|Augmented Reality view]] and displays Points of Interest (POI's) related to the current location of the mobile device.
==== AR Navigation ====
Allows the user to navigate to an object using the [[AR Navigation|Augmented Reality Navigation]] feature.
It is accessible via a {{UBIK}} object's context menu in the Content Browser.
==== Markerless ====
Opens the [[POI View|Augmented Reality view]] supporting [[HowTo:Configure_Dynamic_AR_Content#Markerless_Activity|Markerless Scanning]] based on Image Detection.
==== ID Marker 3D ====
Opens the [[POI View|Augmented Reality view]] supporting [[HowTo:Configure_Dynamic_AR_Content#ID_Marker_Activity|ID Marker Scanning]] based on ID Markers.
==== Map View ====
Opens the [[map View|Map view]] and displays Points of Interest (POI's) related to the current location of the mobile device.
=== Finding Objects ===
==== Free Text Search ====
A free text search feature is available in the Action Bar.
The search feature works online and offline.
==== ID Marker ====
Provides a fast and convenient way for users to find objects that are identifiable through [[optical code|optical codes]], in this case ID Markers.
==== QR Code ====
Provides a fast and convenient way for users to find objects that are identifiable through [[optical code|optical codes]], in this case QR Codes.
==== RFID ====
Provides a fast and convenient way for users to find objects that are identifiable through [[RFID tags|RFID tags]].
=== Synchronization ===
The {{UBIK}} client gets its data from the UBIK Content web service and is capable of synchronizing differences between this service and itself.
In case of an error, an Android Notification is shown to gently notify the user what has happened and eventually give hints on how to solve the problem.
=== Push Service ===
The {{UBIK}} [[Push Service (Client)|push service]] is a mechanism used by the clients in order to receive updates from the server.
=== Online/Offline mode ===
Switches between online and offline mode.