
Configuration Files

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== Main Configuration Files ==
The main configuration files for the {{UBIK Studio}} and {{UBIK Enterprise Service}} are located within the installation folder, the one of the [[Web Service|web service]] is located in the service's physical path. Respective examples files are
* {{UBIK}} Studio: [[Configuration_Files/UBIK.Studio.exe.config|UBIK.Studio.exe.config]]
* {{UBIK}} Enterprise Service: [[Configuration_Files/UBIK.EnterpriseService.exe.config|UBIK.EnterpriseService.exe.config]].
* [[Web Service]]: [[Configuration_Files/web.config|web.config]].
The main configuration file of the [[Web Service|web service]] is located in the service's physical path and named [[Configuration_Files/web.config|web.config]]. This configuration file additionally needs to obey rules as given in [ Configuring Services] for more detailed information.
== Specific Configuration Files ==