
View Cache

8 bytes removed, 11:49, 8 May 2015
The View Cache feature increases the performance of the [[web Service]] by caching the data to be published and sent to the clients. All content data as well as the hierarchies, as defined by the [[View]] and in the [[ACM]], is evaluated and cached internally. Be aware, that this data does not encompass the physical documents linked to the objects, hence the documents have to be loaded if the requested from the client.
A client's request for hierarchical data, covering '''two or more hierarchy''' levels, will be handled using the cached data. Any request covering only one hierarchy level will by-pass the view cache and be treated directly. For example, browsing through the objects using the [[Content Browser]] does not use the View Cache, whereas preparing the [[HowTo:Switch_to_Offline_Mode|Offline Mode]] utilizes the cache to improve performance.
Due to the missing automatism for a periodic initialization or update, the default interval settings for recycling '''must''' be changed, such that the application pool and the related web services are not recycled automatically.
The according settings of the application pool are the
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