
HowTo:Configure Dynamic AR Content

42 bytes added, 08:48, 24 March 2015
/* Results */
With the existent configuration from the zip file, you should see the following picture when scanning the first id or the first picture:
:[[File:scanning_id1.png|border]] <br>
When scanning the second id or the second picture, you should see the following:
:[[File:scanning_id2.png|border]] <br>
When scanning the sixth id, using the Markerless activity, you should see a play button and, if pressed, a movie.
* Play button:
:[[File:scanning_id3_play_button.png|border]] <br>
* Movie:
:[[File:scanning_id3_movie.png|border]] <br>
When scanning the sixth id using the IdMarker Activity you should see a play button also and, if pressed, a movie too.
* Play button:
:[[File:scanning_id6_play_button.png|border]] <br>
* Movie:
:[[File:scanning_id6_movie.png|border]] <br>