
Design object-oriented data models

48 bytes added, 15:57, 7 May 2012
*Define arbitrary relations between objects
UBIK objects can be set in relation to each other in different ways. While it is possible to define 1:n relations (“References”[[Reference|References]]), UBIK also allows the creation of n:n [[Relation|relations]]. As any other Metaclass, relations can possess Metaproperties and have their own inheritance hierarchy.
*Program runtime behavior of your objects in native code
As your custom Metaclasses derive from UBIK’s internal classes, you can simply use the powerful [[Event Browser|code editing tools of UBIK]], to customize their built-in events and incorporate your own runtime behavior. No need to learn a special scripting language or to abdicate any functionality, just use pure C# and leverage everything .NET offers.
*Configure in views how users see the objects
Your Metaclasses can be part of as many [[View|views ]] as you want, and those views are the key to present the object model to the users. So you can present the very same classes in completely different ways and hierarchies, to support the user and meet his expectations as good as possible.