

1 byte removed, 11:19, 12 February 2015
An InterfaceAdministration is a specialized MetaClass having the ClassType '''InterfaceAdministration'''. It handles the management of a certain interface configuration related to [[MetaProxy|MetaProxies]], that is executed for data import and/or export.
There is a new InterfaceAdministration content has to be derived from the MetaClass [[INTERFACE_ADMIN_ROOT]] from which all InterfaceAdministration objects should derive. The content object itself can relate to a set of MetaProxies that are used for interface runs. InterfaceAdmin content objects have hold a [[Relation]] to [[ProxyMetaProperties]] named [[SYSREL_INTERFACE_ADMIN_METAPROXY]]. Via this relation, all involved MetaProxies are accessible via the administation object.
Once an import/export via interface run is executed, a new instance of [[InterfaceExecution]] is automatically generated. The name is generated out of the InterfaceAdministration object name and the current date and time.