This activity is used to open read or write a preconfigured value of a single OPC variable within an [[CreateOPCUAConnection CreateOPCUAScope (Activity)|OPC ConnectionScope]]. It if ''Value'' is a nestable activitysupplied with null, which means it can host any amount will read the value of sub-activities that the variable. If ''Value'' is supplied with something else than null, it will be processed sequentiallyattempt to write it to the variable. The hosted activities are typically If it is used outside of a scope activity, it has to be supplied with a valid OPC connection object as produced by an [[AccessOPCUAVariable CreateOPCUAConnection (Activity)|AccessOPCUAVariableOPC connection]] activities, either as direct children but also wrapped within looping activities like ForEach or While. When all child activities are processed somewhere else in the OPC connection will be closed againworkflow.