Create CSV Scope | |
Name | CreateCSVScope |
Purpose | Create CSV data |
Category | Data Exchange |
Returns | True if successful |
Version | 2.1.16+ |
The CreateCSVScope Activity creates Comma-Separated-Values data. It is the root activity for an export of CSV data into files.
Argument | Type | Direction | Purpose |
FileName | String | In | The file the created CSV data should be saved to |
Separator | String | In | A string that separates the columns; default is ";" |
OutputEncoding | String | In | The character encoding name (e.g. "iso-8859-15") of the output file (List of possible encodings); If not defined, the default encoding "UTF-8" will be used. |
Result | Boolean | Out | True if successful, false if failed |
This activity is used to start the export of CSV data. It is a nestable activity, which means it can host any amount of sub-activities that will be processed sequentially. The hosted activities are typically CreateCSVRow activities, either as direct children but also wrapped within looping activities like ForEach or While.
The CreateCSVScope activity, as used in the larger example "Export Multilanguage Properties of all Instances":