Last modified on 24 April 2024, at 11:18

Configuration Files/AppSettings.config

Revision as of 11:18, 24 April 2024 by NNE (Talk | contribs)

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The data and session management service of the web service are configured in this file.

IC Attention.pngSessionManagementType has to be of Local Application Service always!

CONTENT Settings

Area Setting Description
appSettings UBIK.DataBase.ConnectionString Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server connect string to the UBIK® Database.
appSettings UBIK.Service.ValidityPeriod The duration [in seconds] until a cached record is marked as outdated in the UBIK® Kernel.
Configuration of ValidityPeriod:
Switch = -1 - cached objects are valid indefinitely.
Switch = 0 - cache is always invalid and will get constantly updated.
Switch = +1 - cached objects are checked every 1+ seconds.
appSettings UBIK.Service.LogLevel To enable logging the LogLevel must be set to Verbose in the Logging.config and also the switch for the LogLevel in the AppSettings.config should be adapted accordingly.
Configuration of LogLevel switch in AppSettings.config:
Switch = 0 - No logging.
Switch = 10 - Simple logging.
Switch = 20 - Detailed logging.
appSettings UBIK.Service.TokenRestrictive Validation of the used Token
Configuration of TokenRestrictive:
Switch = 0 - the token is not validated.
Switch = 1 - data access is only possible after a successfull authentication.
appSettings UBIK.Service.LanguageID Configuration of the LanguageID that is used by the Web Service. The Service will deliver the content of MultiLanguage Properties in this language.
appSettings UBIK.Service.SessionManagementType Configuration of the type session management the current service will use:
Switch = 0 - Single Local Management.
Switch = 1 - USAM Service.
appSettings UBIK.Service.SessionManagementUrl In the case of SessionManagementType = 1, the URL of the USAM Service must be configured using this setting.
If a port other than 443 (default port for https) is used, it has to be specified here as well.
appSettings UBIK.Service.PushServiceUrl In the case of SessionManagementType = 1, the URL of the PUSH Service must be configured using this setting..If a port other than 443 (default port for https) is used, it has to be specified here as well.
appSettings UBIK.Service.GroupRightsUpdateIntervall GroupRightsUpdateIntervall setting is optional. Update Interval [in seconds] for the Group Rights Evaluator. If this setting is not configured, the ValidityPeriod is used for defining the interval for the Rights Evaluator.

PUSH Settings

Area Setting Description
appSettings UBIK.DataBase.ConnectionString Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server connect string to the UBIK® Database.
appSettings UBIK.Service.ValidityPeriod The duration [in seconds] until a cached record is marked as outdated in the UBIK® Kernel.
Configuration of ValidityPeriod:
Switch = -1 - cached objects are valid indefinitely.
Switch = 0 - cache is always invalid and will get constantly updated.
Switch = +1 - cached objects are checked every 1+ seconds.
appSettings UBIK.Service.LogLevel To enable logging the LogLevel must be set to Verbose in the Logging.config and also the switch for the LogLevel in the AppSettings.config should be adapted accordingly.
Configuration of LogLevel switch in AppSettings.config:
Switch = 0 - No logging.
Switch = 10 - Simple logging.
Switch = 20 - Detailed logging.
appSettings UBIK.Service.TokenRestrictive Validation of the used Token
Configuration of TokenRestrictive:
Switch = 0 - the token is not validated.
Switch = 1 - data access is only possible after a successfull authentication.
appSettings UBIK.Service.LanguageID Configuration of the LanguageID that is used by the Web Service. The Service will deliver the content of MultiLanguage Properties in this language.
appSettings UBIK.Service.SessionManagementType Configuration of the type session management the current service will use:
Switch = 0 - Single Local Management.
Switch = 1 - USAM Service.
appSettings UBIK.Service.SessionManagementUrl In the case of SessionManagementType = 1, the URL of the USAM Service must be configured using this setting.
If a port other than 443 (default port for https) is used, it has to be specified here as well.
appSettings UBIK.Service.GroupRightsUpdateIntervall GroupRightsUpdateIntervall setting is optional. Update Interval [in seconds] for the Group Rights Evaluator. If this setting is not configured, the ValidityPeriod is used for defining the interval for the Rights Evaluator.

USAM Settings

Area Setting Description
appSettings UBIK.DataBase.ConnectionString Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server connect string to the UBIK® Database.
appSettings UBIK.Service.HideAuthenticationInfo Authentication information error status
Configuration of HideAuthenticationInfo:
Switch = 0 - deliver error status if authentication fails.
Switch = 1 - hide error status if authentication fails.
appSettings UBIK.Service.ValidityPeriod The duration [in seconds] until a cached record is marked as outdated in the UBIK® Kernel.
Configuration of ValidityPeriod:
Switch = -1 - cached objects are valid indefinitely.
Switch = 0 - cache is always invalid and will get constantly updated.
Switch = +1 - cached objects are checked every 1+ seconds.
appSettings UBIK.Service.TokenValidityPeriod The duration [in seconds] of how long a token is valid. For security reasons, it is recommended that the token validity should be set for short periode with a maximum of 86400 seconds (24 hours).
Example Configuration of TokenValidityPeriod:
Switch = 60 - token is valid for only 60 seconds.
Switch = 3600 - token is valid for 1 hour.
appSettings UBIK.Service.UserRestrictive Authorization mechanism for user login
Configuraion of UserRestrictive:
Switch = 0 - every login may connect.
Switch = 1 - only known logins may connect to UBIK®.
appSettings UBIK.Service.DeviceRestrictive Authorization mechanism for device logins
Configuraion of DeviceRestrictive:
Switch = 0 - every device may connect.
Switch = 1- only known and active devices may connect to UBIK®.
appSettings UBIK.Service.GroupRightsUpdateIntervall GroupRightsUpdateIntervall setting is optional. Update Interval [in seconds] for the Group Rights Evaluator. If this setting is not configured, the ValidityPeriod defines the interval for the Rights Evaluator.



  <!-- Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server connect string to the UBIK® Database -->
  <add key="UBIK.DataBase.ConnectionString" value="Data Source=ubikdbserver.mydomain,1433;Initial Catalog=UBIK.MYDATABASE;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myuser;Password=mypassword"/>

  <!-- The duration [in seconds] until a cached record is marked as outdated in the UBIK® Kernel. -->
  <!-- Switch = "-1" - cached objects are valid indefinitely/ Switch = "0" - cache is always invalid and will get constantly updated / Switch = "+1" - cached objects are checked every 1+ seconds -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.ValidityPeriod" value="300"/>

  <!-- Switch = "0" - No logging / Switch = "10" - Simple logging / Switch = "20" - Detailed logging  -->
  <!-- To enble logging the LogLevel must be set to Verbose in the Logging.config. -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.LogLevel" value="10"/>

  <!-- Validation of the used Token -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - the token is not validated / Switch = "1" - data access is only possible after a successful authentication -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.TokenRestrictive" value="1"/>

  <!-- Configuration of the LanguageID that is used by the Web Service. The Service will deliver the content of MultiLanguage Properties in this language. -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.LanguageID" value="1"/>

  <!-- Configuration of the type session management the current service will use -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - Single Local Management / Switch = "1" - USAM Service -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.SessionManagementType" value="1"/>

  <!-- In the case of SessionManagementType = "1", the URL of the USAM Service must be configured using this setting. -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.SessionManagementUrl" value="https://myusamserver.mydomain:myport/UBIK/USAM/USAM.svc/SOAP"/>

  <!-- In the case of SessionManagementType = "1", the URL of the PUSH Service must be configured using this setting. -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.PushServiceUrl" value="https://myusamserver.mydomain:myport/UBIK/PUSH/UBIKPUSH.svc/SOAP"/>

Example PUSH

  <!-- Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server connect string to the UBIK® Database -->
  <add key="UBIK.DataBase.ConnectionString" value="Data Source=ubikdbserver.mydomain,1433;Initial Catalog=UBIK.MYDATABASE;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myuser;Password=mypassword"/>

  <!-- The duration [in seconds] until a cached record is marked as outdated in the UBIK® Kernel. -->
  <!-- Switch = "-1" - cached objects are valid indefinitely/ Switch = "0" - cache is always invalid and will get constantly updated / Switch = "+1" - cached objects are checked every 1+ seconds -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.ValidityPeriod" value="300"/>

  <!-- Switch = "0" - No logging / Switch = "10" - Simple logging / Switch = "20" - Detailed logging  -->
  <!-- To enable logging the LogLevel must be set to Verbose in the Logging.config. -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.LogLevel" value="10"/>

  <!-- Validation of the used Token -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - the token is not validated / Switch = "1" - data access is only possible after a successful authentication -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.TokenRestrictive" value="1"/>

  <!-- Configuration of the LanguageID that is used by the Web Service. The Service will deliver the content of MultiLanguage Properties in this language. -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.LanguageID" value="1"/>

  <!-- Configuration of the type session management the current service will use -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - Single Local Management / Switch = "1" - USAM Service -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.SessionManagementType" value="1"/>

  <!-- In the case of SessionManagementType = "1", the URL of the USAM Service must be configured using this setting. -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.SessionManagementUrl" value="https://myusamserver.mydomain:myport/UBIK/USAM/USAM.svc/SOAP"/>

Example USAM

  <!-- Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server connect string to the UBIK® Database -->
  <add key="UBIK.DataBase.ConnectionString" value="Data Source=ubikdbserver.mydomain;Initial Catalog=UBIK.MYDATABASE;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myuser;Password=mypassword"/>

  <!-- Authentication information error status -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - deliver error status if authentication fails / Switch = "1" - hide error status if authentication fails -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.HideAuthenticationInfo" value="1"/>

  <!-- The duration [in seconds] until a cached record is marked as outdated in the UBIK® Kernel. -->
  <!-- Switch = "-1" - cached objects are valid indefinitely/ Switch = "0" - cache is always invalid and will get constantly updated / Switch = "+1" - cached objects are checked every 1+ seconds -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.ValidityPeriod" value="0"/>

  <!-- The duration [in seconds] of how long a token is valid. -->
  <!-- For security reasons, it is recommended that the token validity should be set for a short period with a maximum of 86400 seconds (24 hours) -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.TokenValidityPeriod" value="60"/>

  <!-- Authorization mechanism for user logins -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - every login may connect / Switch = "1" - only known logins may connect to UBIK® -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.UserRestrictive" value="1"/>

  <!-- Authorization mechanism for device logins -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - every device may connect / Switch = "1" - only known and active devices may connect to UBIK® -->
  <add key="UBIK.Service.DeviceRestrictive" value="0"/>

Example CONTENT Windows Azure

Configuration for a Microsoft Azure cloud database and a LAS service.

  <!-- Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server connect string to the UBIK® Database -->
    <add key="UBIK.DataBase.ConnectionString" value="Data,1433;Initial Catalog=UBIK.MYDATABASE;User ID=myclouduser@xxxxxxxx;Password=mypassword" />

  <!-- The duration [in seconds] until a cached record is marked as outdated in the UBIK® Kernel. -->
  <!-- Switch = "-1" - cached objects are valid indefinitely/ Switch = "0" - cache is always invalid and will get constantly updated / Switch = "+1" - cached objects are checked every 1+ seconds -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.ValidityPeriod" value="0" />

  <!-- Duration [in seconds] how long a token is valid. -->
  <!-- For security reasons, it is recommended that the token validity should be set for a short period with a maximum of 86400 seconds (24 hours) -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.TokenValidityPeriod" value="300" />

  <!-- Switch = "0" - No logging / Switch = "10" - Simple logging / Switch = "20" - Detailed logging  -->
  <!-- To enble logging the LogLevel must be set to Verbose in the Logging.config. -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.LogLevel" value="10" />

  <!-- Authorization mechanism for user logins -->
  <!-- Switch ="0" - every login may connect / Switch = "1" - only known logins may connect to UBIK® -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.UserRestrictive" value="1" />

  <!-- Authorization mechanism for device logins -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - every device may connect / Switch = "1" - only known and active devices may connect to UBIK® -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.DeviceRestrictive" value="1" />

  <!-- Validation of the used Token -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - the token is not validated / Switch = "1" - data access is only possible after a successful authentication -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.TokenRestrictive" value="1" />

  <!-- Configuration of the LanguageID that is used by the Web Service. The Service will deliver the content of MultiLanguage Properties in this language. -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.LanguageID" value="0" />

  <!-- Configuration of the type session management the current service will use -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - Single Local Management / Switch = "1" - USAM Service -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.SessionManagementType" value="1" />

  <!-- In the case of SessionManagementType = "1", the URL of the USAM Service must be configured using this setting. -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.SessionManagementUrl" value="https://myusamserver.mydomain:myport/UBIK/USAM/USAM.svc/SOAP" />

Example CONTENT Windows Authentication

Integrated security.

  <!-- Configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server connect string to the UBIK® Database -->
    <add key="UBIK.DataBase.ConnectionString" value="Data Source=ubikdbserver.mydomain;Initial Catalog=UBIK.MYDATABASE;Integrated Security=SSPI;" />

  <!-- The duration [in seconds] until a cached record is marked as outdated in the UBIK® Kernel. -->
  <!-- Switch = "-1" - cached objects are valid indefinitely/ Switch = "0" - cache is always invalid and will get constantly updated / Switch = "+1" - cached objects are checked every 1+ seconds -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.ValidityPeriod" value="0" />

  <!-- Duration [in seconds] how long a token is valid. -->
  <!-- For security reasons, it is recommended that the token validity should be set for a short period with a maximum of 86400 seconds (24 hours) -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.TokenValidityPeriod" value="300" />

  <!-- Switch = "0" - No logging / Switch = "10" - Simple logging / Switch = "20" - Detailed logging  -->
  <!-- To enable logging the LogLevel must be set to Verbose in the Logging.config. -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.LogLevel" value="10" />

  <!-- Authorization mechanism for user logins -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - every login may connect / Switch = "1" - only known logins may connect to UBIK® -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.UserRestrictive" value="1" />

  <!-- Authorization mechanism for device logins -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - every device may connect / Switch = "1"- only known and active devices may connect to UBIK® -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.DeviceRestrictive" value="1" />

  <!-- Validation of the used Token -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - the token is not validated / Switch = "1" - data access is only possible after a successful authentication -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.TokenRestrictive" value="1" />

  <!-- Configuration of the LanguageID that is used by the Web Service. The Service will deliver the content of MultiLanguage Properties in this language. -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.LanguageID" value="0" />

  <!-- Authentication information error status -->
  <!-- Switch ="0" - deliver error status if authentication fails / Switch = "1" - hide error status if authentication fails -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.HideAuthenticationInfo" value"1"/>

  <!-- Configuration of the type session management the current service will use -->
  <!-- Switch = "0" - Single Local Management / Switch = "1" - USAM Service -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.SessionManagementType" value="0" />

  <!-- In the case of SessionManagementType = "1", the URL of the PUSH Service must be configured using this setting. -->
    <add key="UBIK.Service.SessionManagementUrl" value="" />
IC Hint square.pngThe port number myport must be specified only if other than 443.

See also