Last modified on 12 January 2024, at 10:56

Version 4.5.0 (Server)

Revision as of 10:56, 12 January 2024 by MHM (Talk | contribs) (Bugfixes)




  • It is now possibile to extend the Live Value MetaClass with any properties having the SYSCLS_LIVEVALUE_ATTRIBUTE classification. Their values are sent as Live Value Attributes to the clients when reading Live Values.
  • UBIK Live Values support two properties now (UI_DESCR and UNIT) which are sent to the client as LiveValue Attributes if filled out.
  • UBIK Provides the possibility to reset proxies now. Reseting enables a proxy to be reimported it a 2nd time into a new (with new id) ubiqule.
    • This feature is only supported via custom code. An UI Integration will be provided with the next release.

CUI (Comos UBIK Interface)

  • CUI supports the import of Comos DocObj now
  • CUI supports the import and export of Comos Reference Documents now


Upcomming Release

  • Improved internal memory management
  • A problem in the Event Notification Processor was fixed: failed to start wokring if scanning for new Notifications took to long.
  • An issue where renaming a MetaProperty led to redundant column definitions was fixed.
  • An issue where the web service couldn't be launched when a DB view was configured was fixed.
  • UBIK was stabilized with respect to concurrent database access.
  • Fixed an issue with missing MetaProperties for Queries
  • Now every UI Action has to be confirmed before it gets executed.


  • Filebased CUI - A problem with writing xml files for Comos export is solved now.
  • Opacity level on Annotations is applied when flattening into pdfs now.
  • Now every UI Action has to be confirmed before it gets executed, to avoid accidents.
  • The UBIK database access layer was stabilized wrt. concurrency, in order to avoid DB-deadlocks.
  • UBIK Web Service supports up to TLS1.2 now.
  • A couple of errors when saving meta data using SmartStudio were fixed.
  • A problem with deleting ubiqules triggered by incomming event notifications (with delete info) ws solved.
  • Processing of Event Notifications was improved to avoid creation of multiple proxies presenting the same ubiqule.
  • CUI is able to handle invalid numeric values (received from Comos) when importing double and DateTime proeprties now.


  • An issue where the MRO task owner property caused exceptions was fixed.
  • A problem in updating Comos Metaproxy properties to 4.5 is solved now.
  • References to System.DirectoryServices where added to the UBIK Compiler.


  • An issue where warnings were output when initializing system meta classes was fixed.
  • Saving of Login Objects do not create unsaved and orphaned objects any more.
  • A locally built customizing can now be loaded in all circumstances.
  • SystemSelectiveLists can be saved now.
  • *.zip is provided as standard SelectiveItem for FILE_TYPES now.
  • An error during the Creation of Human readably Views was fixed: the naming of the Views is like in pre UBIK 4 Versions now.
  • An issue where warnings were output when initializing system meta classes was fixed.
  • An issue where attributes weren't loaded correctly was fixed.
  • A bug in the OPC-UA plugin that led to an infinite loop when reading a link property of an OPC datapoint object was fixed.
  • An issue where the system definitions were initialized in the wrong order when upgrading to version 4.4 or higher was fixed.
  • UBIK release packages contain System.Net.Http.dll now
  • The namespace for MRO - classification - properties changed from System.MRO to System.Classification.MRO.


Known Issues

  • Exclusive Access Queries are currently not supported by the UBIK Kernel.