The name of the Login object. The name of the Login Object must be identical to the one specified on the LDAP Server.
Use Domain Credentials
This setting must be set to "True" in order to perform your authentication against the LDAP Server. If set to "False" UBIK will perform it´s authentication against the internal UBIK Database.
The Identifier property specifies a "unique identifier" for an object represented in the LDAP Directory. The domain within which the identifier is unique, and the exact semantics of the identifier, are for local definition. For a person, this could be an institution-wide payroll number or email address.
The Searchbase defines the starting point for the search in the directory tree. A valid Searchbase would be for example: "dc=klu,dc=augmensys"
LDAPGroup is a referenceproperty in which the belonging LDAPGroup object needs to get dragged in