Last modified on 27 September 2019, at 13:52

Icon Font

Revision as of 13:52, 27 September 2019 by REP (Talk | contribs)

UBIK-Standard.ttf is a custom set of font icons developed primarily for use on the Xamarin Client, due to concerns over the legality of using Microsoft's Segoe MDL2 Assets icon font file on non-Windows platforms (ie. Android and iOS). Apart from this legal concern, having a standardized font icon set will contribute to having a more consistent look across the various platforms, clients, once UBIK-Standard.ttf becomes more widely used in both standard builds, and individual customizings.

IC Hint square.pngThe latest font set can be downloaded directly from the file.

Known Issues

The development of the custom icon font on the Xamarin client was hampered significantly by unexpected icon substitutions, which appeared to be vender/device-specific. To avoid this issue, the individual icons in the text file were mapped to the Hex codes used by the most basic alphabet and symbol characters.

A second issue was encountered where using unstable behavior was observed when using UBIK-Standard.ttf in FontIcons, and while using the "Label=" attribute. -Ask Liang-

Original Set

The first full version of the icon set was completed in September 2019. The following table shows the icons, along with a description of their intended purpose (some have multiple), and the natural language In-App Name, and Hex code, both of which can be used to call the icons using XAML.


Icon Casual Name / Description In-App Name Hex Code
UBIKstandard home-ubik.png
Ubik - Scalable UBIK logo for use on the splash screen. Ubik hex
UBIKstandard home-service-group.png
Service - The customer profile. Service hex
UBIKstandard home-user-name.png
User User hex
UBIKstandard home-password.png
Password Password hex
UBIKstandard home-log-in.png
Log In Login hex
UBIKstandard home-log-out.png
Log Out Logout hex
UBIKstandard global-navigation-hamburger.png
Navigation - Global navigation or Hamburger Button Navigation hex
UBIKstandard global-more-actions.png
More Actions Actions hex
UBIKstandard global-home.png
Home Home hex
UBIKstandard global-scan.png
Scan Scan hex
UBIKstandard global-settings.png
Settings Settings hex
UBIKstandard global-search.png
Search Search hex
UBIKstandard sync-online.png
Syncmode- - Fully automated Online hex
UBIKstandard sync-manual.png
Syncmode - Automatic downloads / manual uploads Manual hex
UBIKstandard sync-offline.png
Syncmode - No Automatic uploads or downloads Offline hex


Icon Casual Name / Description In-App Name Hex Code
UBIKstandard home-start-children.png
Start / Objects / Children - Symbol used to signify an object hierarchy. Thus used as the Start symbol, and for the Children tab just under the object title in the Header. inappName hex
UBIKstandard tab-properties.png
Properties - Used for Properties tab just under the object title in the Header. inappName hex
UBIKstandard tab-documents.png
Documents - Used for Properties tab just under the object title in the Header. inappName hex
UBIKstandard tab-document-viewing.png
Document being Viewed - Used in place of the Children tab (first position) when a document is being viewed. inappName hex
UBIKstandard child-changed.png
Uncommitted Changes - Used to show an item has alterations which have not yet been committed to the server (for example, in offline mode). inappName hex
UBIKstandard child-changes-VARIANT.png
Uncommitted Changes / Variant - An alternate symbol for the usage. Currently, the small size that the icon is rendered at means that this image is too detailed for use on a child item in the above description. inappName hex
UBIKstandard child-technical-alert.png
Technical Alert - Use to show that one or more children within the branch have an active Technical Alert status. inappName hex
UBIKstandard organizational-in-progress.png
ORG Ongoing - Used to show that one or more of the tasks underneath this object are still in progress. inappName hex
UBIKstandard organizational-complete.png
ORG Ongoing - Used to show that all the tasks underneath this object have been completed, and the ORG Status has been confirmed. inappName hex
UBIKstandard action-download.png
Downloaded - Used to show that a branch download has occurred, making this object available offline. inappName hex
UBIKstandard child-locked.png
Locked inappName hex
UBIKstandard child-deleted-or-action-delete.png
Deleted- Can be used both as a Delete action, as well as to indicate an as-yet uncommitted Deleted status (for example, in offline mode). inappName hex
name inappName hex
name inappName hex
name inappName hex
name inappName hex
name inappName hex
name inappName hex
name inappName hex


Icon Casual Name / Description In-App Name Hex Code
name inappName hex