Last modified on 16 April 2018, at 13:47

UBIK Console

Revision as of 13:47, 16 April 2018 by CLE (Talk | contribs)

The UBIK® Console project allows a user to interact with UBIK via C# code.


C# code will be interpreted like script code. This script can be either loaded from file and executed at start up or directly typed into a console window. When starting up the console it will automatically execute some common using statements in order to comfortably with code from these assemblies: System, UBIK, UBIK.Kernel, System.Collections.Generic, UBIK.Dynamic, System.Linq. If you need other namespaces you need to load them in your code.

Example using Script file

In order to execute a C# script file using the UBIK® Console you need execute the UBIK.Console.exe using the -cmdfile parameter. If you add the -connectionstring parameter as shown in the example the console will instantiate UBIKEnvironmentConnection variable called ubikEnvironmentConnection. This variable is then accessible in your script and can be used. Also the current customizing assembly will be added to the script.

UBIK.Console.exe  -cmdfile "\\PathToScript\script.txt" -connectionstring "Data Source = ...; Initial Catalog = ...; User ID = ...; Password = ..."

The following script code is taken from the example script file and shows how to work with UBIK® Console via script file. In line one a new dependency is loaded, namely the DBTool. Line two creates a SqlConnectionStringBuilder in order to work comfortably with the connectionstring provided by ubikEnvironmentConnection. Line four calls a method from the customizing assembly which has been loaded by the console for us as mention earlier. Line 6 uses the DBTool project and creates a backup of the database

1. #r "C:\\Users\\cle\\Documents\\Dev\\UBIK.Server\\Branches\\2.6\\UBIK.Console\\bin\\Debug\\DBTool.exe"
2. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder scsb = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder(ubikEnvironmentConnection.ConnectionString);
3. string backUpDir = @"C:\SQL\bakup";
4. bool isTrue = UBIK.Runtime.WorkflowUtility.Str2Bool("1");
5. System.Console.WriteLine(isTrue.ToString());
6. DBTool.MSSQLTools.BackupDatabase(scsb.DataSource, scsb.UserID, scsb.Password, false, scsb.InitialCatalog, bak: string.Format(@"{0}\{1}_{2}_{3}.bak", backUpDir, scsb.InitialCatalog, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm")));


If you do not want to type in your password in plain text you can first generate an encrypted password by executing Pwd.Encrpyt in the UBIK® Console.
