Last modified on 23 November 2015, at 08:47


Revision as of 08:47, 23 November 2015 by KNO (Talk | contribs) (Reference MetaProxyProperty)

A ProxyMetaProperty is used for defining the import / export behavior for one single data entry and is used by MetaProxy objects.

The set of used ProxyMetaProperties on one single MetaProxy define the structure of the interface representatnt (Proxy) for a set of Ubik objects (per interface).

The detailed configuration of a ProxyMetaProperty must be done on the Relation object between MetaProxy and MetaProxyProperty ("SYSREL_METAPROXY_PROPERTY").

Property Description Type
Calculated Value Defines the exported/import Ubikvalue as a calculated one See ... Drop Down field (Integer)
IsExternalPrimaryKey Defines the Property as an external primary key Boolean
ImportTarget - Index Index of the referenced Target Proerty where the value should be stored to / come from. Defaultvalue = -1 Integer
ImportTarget - PropertyName Reference to the MetaProperty the imported/exported data should be stored to / come from Drop Down field (Link)
Update Type Defines the Proxy Update Type Drop Down field (Integer)

Reference MetaProxyProperty

It is possible to define a Reference for a MetaProxyProperty. If the targeted Type is a MetaProxy object the MetaProxyProperty is defined as External Link Property (See usage of external primary key).

If the target of the import is a GUID Property the target object of the refered Proxy Instance will be set as target value.

IC Attention.pngIndexValues and Mulitlanguage values are not supported before Version 2.3.3!
IC Attention.pngValue Validation for MetaProxyProperties is not supported.
IC Attention.pngMultilanguage is not supported for MetaProxyProperties, separate index values have to be used instead!

See also