Last modified on 22 October 2015, at 12:47

ReplicateInstance (Activity)

Revision as of 12:47, 22 October 2015 by MHM (Talk | contribs)

Replicate instance
Name ReplicateInstance
Purpose Delete an object from the database
Category Replication
Returns An instance of ReplicationResult if successful
Version 2.5.1+

The ReplicateInstance Activity creates a replicate of the given instance based on the given configuration.


Argument Type Direction Purpose
SourceObject RelationalObject In The object to be replicated
ReplicationConfiguration InstanceReplication In The replication configuration object
AutoSave Boolean In If True, the replication result gets saved (bulk save) right after the creation.
Result {{ReplicationResult} Out The result of the replication if successful, null if failed


This activity is used to replicate the given instance based on the given configuration.


Argument Value
SourceObject Connect this argument with the instance you want to replicate
ReplicationConfiguration Connect this argument with a instance replication configuration

See also