Last modified on 30 June 2015, at 09:44

Version Number

Revision as of 09:44, 30 June 2015 by KNO (Talk | contribs) (Compatibility Table)

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This page is currently a draft. More information and discussion about changes to this draft on the talk page.

Version Number

The UBIK® version number is composed of

  • a Major (first) and Minor number (second),
  • a Version number (third),
  • and a Revision (forth) number.

Major and minor numbers correlate to strategic and technical milestones and will be retained for a certain period. A new (increased) version number indicates new features, whereas the revision number relates to Hot- and Bugfixes within a certain Version. Therefore, these last two numbers will change more frequently due to the meaning.

For example the UBIK® Version, which is

  • Major 2
  • Minor = 4
  • Version = 4
  • Revision = 1

implements additional features if compared to

The version has the same features but includes certain hot- and bugfixes.

Compatibility Table

Component Compatible for Downwards compatible to Details
UBIK® Studio same Major and
Minor version
Databases having lower a version
Web service Previous clients -
UBIK® Android - -
UBIK Win8 - -
UBIK® Web - -
Database - Version number of database and UBIK® Studio does not have to match