Last modified on 24 March 2015, at 10:34


Revision as of 10:34, 24 March 2015 by KNO (Talk | contribs)

IC METACLASS.gif Query Item
Namespace System.Query
Internal Name SystemObjects.QUERYITEM
TypeString UBIK.Kernel.MetaClass
RuntimeType UBIK.Kernel.QueryItem
Purpose Configure query items
Version 2+

A QueryItem defines a single filter rule for the evaluation of the result collection of a Query. This filter rule has the followig parameters:

Parameter DataType Example(s) Comment
OPERATOR Text =,<,>,>=,<= value must correspond to an item of the QuerySearchItemOperator enumeration
LIKECOMPARISON Boolean true / false if true, the given item is applied as LIKE filter criteria where a wildcard is automatically added to the end of the filtervalue; for an additional wildcard at the beginning of the filter value add *
FILTERVALUE Text Any the value the objects are compared to
ISNULL Boolean true / false searched for NULL values
LOGICALAND Boolean true / false if true, the given QueryItem and its predecessor are logically joined using AND; otherwise using OR

See also