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Converters In Xamarin

Revision as of 14:14, 1 August 2019 by MKR (Talk | contribs)

Converters in Xamarin

This page lists all currently available converters for customizing Xamarin XAML. This Page is WIP!!!

Converter 2-Way Description
BooleanConverter Interprets the boolean value and returns it. If the value cannot be interpreted, false is returned.
BooleanInvertConverter Interprets and converts a boolean into its inverted value. If the value cannot be interpreted, false is returned.
BooleanToFontAttributeConverter Converts a boolean into a [font attribute] value. In detail, if the value is true, the parameter is interpreted (Bold, Italic, None) and returned. The default returned font-attribute is None.
ByteToImageSourceValueConverter Converts a byte stream value into an image source.
ChildAreaTemplateConverter Returns a ChildAreaTemplate from a ContentViewModel or null if the ViewModel cannot be interpreted.
ChildItemSelectionModeToSfListViewSelectionModeConverter Converts a ChildItemSelectionMode to [Syncfusion's ListViewSelectionMode]. Default is "Single".
ClassificationToBoolConverter Returns a boolean indicating whether the given ContentViewModel is successfully classified.
ContainsToBoolConverter Checks if the delivered value is contained within a collection of values (delivered in the parameter, seperated with |). If the value is contained, true will be returned, else false. The functionality is similar to the ContainsToVisibilityConverter in the WinX project.
ContainsToInvertedBoolConverter Same as the ContainsToBoolConverter, but with inverted output. The functionality is similar to the ContainsToVisibilityConverter in the WinX project.
ContentAreaTeamplateConverter This converter is not yet finished and just returns the UBIKContentArea if the value is a ContentViewModel.
DateTimeOffsetToDateConverter Converts a DateTimeOffset to the correct DateTime. If the value cannot be interpreted, a new DateTime, generated from the device's current time (DateTime.Now) is returned.
DateTimeToFromNowStringConverter Returns a DateTime into a human-readable and easily understandable string message (the last applying one will be taken):
  • Less than 5 minutes in the past: Just now
  • Less than 10 minutes in the past: A few minutes ago
  • Less than 1 hour in the past: An hour ago
  • Less than 23 Hours in the past: Some hours ago
  • Less than 1 day in the past: Yesterday
  • More than 1 day in the past: The DateTime value formatted according to the device's localization rules.
  • Not interpretable: ???
DebugConverter A converter returning the given value for debug reasons.
DistanceToStringConverter Returns the given value interpreted as length. Values are returned in kilometers with two comma digits (e.g. 2.84km), values smaller than 1km are returned as meters and NaN will be returned as infinity. If the value cannot be interpreted, an empty string will be returned.
EqualityToBoolConverter Returns true if the given value and parameter are equal to each other, false otherwise.
EqualityToInvertedBoolConverter Returns true if the given value and parameter are not equal to each other, false otherwise.


<Shortly describe how to use the activity ...>