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Installation and Configuration

Revision as of 15:05, 16 June 2016 by KNO (Talk | contribs) (Network)



Which component do I need for what use case?

See Set up UBIK® for details about use case dependent installations.

Where can I find some logging information and configure its destination?

Read the article about configure logging to get to know the destinations of log files and how to modify them.

Can I connect to my own web service from within UBIK®?

Yes, of course. You have to configure the according bindings and endpoints as desribed in Configuring Services Using Configuration Files.


Where is the license file stored?

C:\Users\{Your Name}\AppData\LocalUBIKLicense.xml

Can I transfer the licensing file to a new computer?

No. It contains information about your hard- and software and will therefore not work on any other computer than the one it was originally activated

Can I modify the information in the licensing file?

No. If you modify something in the file it will become invalid

What if license activation fails with HTTP status 417: Expectation Failed.?

If the activation of UBIK® fails with an error The request failed with HTTP status 417: Expectation Failed. make sure that the system.net section in your local UBIK.Studio.config.xml contains a servicePointManager entry similar as

      <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" />


Can I use UBIK® via an Application-Delivery-Solution, e.g. Citrix Reveiver?

No, that is not possible as such applications are mostly clients accessing a server based application pool. UBIK® is a stand-alone mobile application, which does not communicate via such virtualization client.

Which ports are used by default?

  • Communication between the Server and Client uses 443 (https) or 80 (http). The authentication always requires https!
  • Microsoft SQL Server uses 1433 by default
See Configure the Windows Firewall to Allow SQL Server Access and SQL Server TCP and UDP Ports for more details on ports.
See Choosing a Network Protocol for help choosing the right port.

Can I use http and https simultaneously?

No, that is not possible as the bindings of the web service needs to be configured either for http or https.

IC Hint square.pngIn the installation package of the web service is a pre-configured file for http and https.


Does UBIK® support other databases than MS SQL?

No, since UBIK® integrates quite deep into the database in order to be scalable.

What SQL Server should I use? What are the differences of the editions?

Please have a look at Microsoft SQL Server Library to check for limitations.

Can I use SQL Server Express?

Basically yes, but be aware of the limitations listed here.