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CreateOPCUAConnection (Activity)

Revision as of 07:38, 11 September 2015 by KNO (Talk | contribs) (CertificateStorePath)

The CreateOPCUAConnection creates a connection to an OPC UA data source. A valid connection is the initial step in communicating with OPC sources.



Create OPC UA Connection
Name CreateOPCUAConnection
Purpose Connect to OPC UA
Category UBIK OPC UA Interface
Returns True if successful
Version 2.4.1+


Argument Type Direction Purpose
SessionName String In Configures the session name property of an UPC UA connection. This name is transferred to the server when the connection is opened.
ApplicationName String In Configures the OPC UA application name property of an OPC UA connection. The application name is used to configure the OPC UA endpoint and to identify the client certificate in the Windows certification store.
ApplicationURI String In Configures the OPC UA application URI property of an OPC UA connection. The application URI is used to configure the OPC UA endpoint.
ProductURI String In Configures the OPC UA product URI property of an OPC UA connection. The product URI is used to configure the OPC UA endpoint.
TransportProfile OpcUaTransportProfileType In Configures the transport profile to use for the client endpoint.
URL String In Configures the session URL property of an OPC UA connection. The session URL specifies the target point for an OPC UA connection and contains the transport protocol (i.e. TCP or HTTP) and the target address, along with optional parameters to identify specific channels on the target server.
URL_HTTP String In ...
URL_TCP String In ...
OperationTimeOut TimeSpan In Configures the operation timeout property of an OPC UA connection. Actions initiated by the client will time out, if they are not completed within the timeout value specified by this option. The default value is 60 seconds.
UseBinaryEncoding String In Configures the OPC UA connection to use the OPC UA binary encoding. If this option is configured to false, XML encoding will be used.
ClientCertificate X509Certificate2 In Configures the client certificate to use for the OPC UA connection. The client certificate will be used by the server to authenticate the client. Connections no validated successfully will be forcefully closed by the server.
CertificateStoreType String In Configures the certificate store type to use for the retrieval of the client certificate when it is not directly configured. The default is to search the Windows certificate storage.
CertificateStorePath String In Configures the certificate store path to use for the retrieval of the client certificate when it is not directly configured. The default is to search for certificates installed to the local machine (as opposed to the current user).
CertificateSubject String In Configures the subject of the client certificate when retrieving that from the certificate storage.
SecurityPolicy OpcUaSecurityPolicyType In Configures the security policy to use for the client endpoint.
MessageSecurity OpcUaMessageSecurityMode In Configures the message security mode to use for the client endpoint.
UserName String In Configures the options for a username/password style authentication.
Password String In Configures the options for a username/password style authentication.
Connection OpcUaServerConnection Out returns the created connection.
Result Boolean Out True if successful, false if failed


  • "Windows" ... for a windows certificate store,
  • "Directory" ... for a directory certificate store.


The value has to be a combination of the OPA UA StoreLocation and StoreNames constants, for example "LocalMachine\My".

Constants that identify certificate store locations.

  • "CurrentUser" ... The store assigned to the current user.
  • "LocalMachine" ... The store assigned to the local machine.

Constants that identify certificate store names.

  • "UA Applications" ... The store used for UA application certificates.
  • "UA Certificate Authorities" ... The store used for UA certificate authorities certificates.
  • "My" ... The store used for personal certificates.
  • "Root" ... The store used for trusted root certificate authorities.


This activity is used to start the communication with an OPC data source. It is a nestable activity, which means it can host any amount of sub-activities that will be processed sequentially. The hosted activities are typically ConfigureOPCUAVariable activities, either as direct children but also wrapped within looping activities like ForEach or While.


The CreateOPCUAConnection activity, as used in the larger example "Read value from OPC variable":

UI Activity CreateOPCUAConnection Example.png

See also