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Draft Roadmap

Revision as of 13:38, 7 March 2023 by CRO (Talk | contribs)

UBIK 4.3

IC Attention.pngThis version requires Windows 10 build 17763 or higher


Planned features

Feature Description Product
Overriding of MetaProperties It is now possible to override inherited MetaProperties and MetaProxyProperties, including relation data details. This can be done using UBIK.Studio's Class Details browser or Relation Editor, as well as using SmartStudio's inheritance graph and meta proxy graph. UBIK Kernel
Extended Mass Editing / Multi Object Selection The client now supports a multi select mode which includes actions based on multi select and mass editing properties. The multi select mode can now be turned on independently for XAML filtered lists (UWP/Xamarin) that share the same source list. UBIK UWP UBIK iOS UBIK Android
Dynamic Selective List - Work with UI Changes The dynamic selective list items are now updated even when the relevant dependency properties/objects have changes that are not yet saved. UBIK Studio
In-document search for Xamarin client Activated the text search functionality for the XAMARIN PDF viewer. UBIK iOS UBIK Android
Background Branch Download for XAMARIN Branch downloads are now performed in a dedicated background service and will work while the device is locked or in sleep mode. UBIK iOS UBIK Android
Copy Device ID for XAMARIN Now it's possible to copie the device ID by clicking on it! UBIK iOS UBIK Android
UBIK 4.3 UI Redesign UBIK Studio
CUI - Reliable Import of Date Time Values UBIK Interface

Release Notes


4.3.? on 2023-02-?? App Center

  • Fixed an issue where the user set sync mode was set to "Automatic" when logging out.
  • Fixed an issue where the app hangs after a user presses F5 to reload the POI page.
  • Fixed an issue where the app hangs and then crashes when navigating to the POI page with unsaved changes.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting an item in a selective list would not be saved.
  • Fixed an issue where the value history of a property could not be shown when the property is initially set.

4.3.9 on 2023-02-10 App Center

  • Fixed an issue where all objects are locked after login, when there are a large number of tasks which happen to be data templates as well.
  • Greatly improved the UI performance when dealing with a large number of tasks.
  • Fixed an issue where some list items occasionally do not respond to clicks.

4.3.8 on 2023-02-08 App Center

  • The client now supports a multi select mode which includes actions based on multi select and mass editing properties.
  • The multi select mode can now be turned on independently for XAML filtered lists that share the same source list.
  • The dynamic selective list items are now updated even when the relevant dependency properties/objects have changes that are not yet saved.
  • For better diagnostics, log entries in UBIKWebserviceDebug now additionally include summaries of webservice responses.
  • Adjusted the setting so that whenever the user changes the sync mode in the client, it gets saved to the profile.
  • Made some UI adjustments to the settings page (e.g. moving some settings into a more fitting category) to provide a more intuitive navigation.
  • Now it's possible to choose whether the device sends crash reports or not.
  • Now enterprise customers can add their policy / readme documents to the UBIK® client and access them offline.
  • Fixed a bug where the app session could be destroyed by failed Push operations.
  • Fixed unintended client spamming requests to server in specific situations (when it loses connection and tries to reconnect).

Known issues

  • During PDF annotating/hotspotting, changes are lost if you leave the page without deselecting the changed annotation/hotspot.

XAML Notes

XAML changes