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UBIK Console

Revision as of 13:42, 16 April 2018 by CLE (Talk | contribs)

The UBIK® Console project allows a user to interact with UBIK via C# code.


C# code will be interpreted like script code. This script can be either loaded from file and executed at start up or directly typed into a console window. When starting up the console it will automatically execute some common using statements in order to comfortably with code from these assemblies: System, UBIK, UBIK.Kernel, System.Collections.Generic, UBIK.Dynamic, System.Linq. If you need other namespaces you need to load them in your code.

Example using Script file

In order to execute a C# script file using the UBIK® Console you need execute the UBIK.Console.exe using the -cmdfile parameter. If you add the -connectionstring parameter as shown in the example the console will instantiate UBIKEnvironmentConnection variable called ubikEnvironmentConnection. This variable is then accessible in your script and can be used.

UBIK.Console.exe  -cmdfile "\\PathToScript\script.txt" -connectionstring "Data Source = ...; Initial Catalog = ...; User ID = ...; Password = ..."

The following script code is taken from the example script file and shows how to work with UBIK® Console via script file.

# #r "C:\\Users\\cle\\Documents\\Dev\\UBIK.Server\\Branches\\2.6\\UBIK.Console\\bin\\Debug\\DBTool.exe"
# System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder scsb = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder(ubikEnvironmentConnection.ConnectionString);
# string backUpDir = @"C:\SQL\bakup";
# bool isTrue = UBIK.Runtime.WorkflowUtility.Str2Bool("1"); //%
# System.Console.WriteLine(isTrue.ToString()); //%
# DBTool.MSSQLTools.BackupDatabase(scsb.DataSource, scsb.UserID, scsb.Password, false, scsb.InitialCatalog, bak: string.Format(@"{0}\{1}_{2}_{3}.bak", backUpDir, scsb.InitialCatalog, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm")));


If you do not want to type in your password in plain text you can first generate an encrypted password by executing Pwd.Encrpyt in the UBIK® Console.
