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Live Values

Revision as of 15:16, 10 September 2015 by KSC (Talk | contribs)

As a UBIK Android user, I want the app to keep track of (eventually) changing properties and tell me the reliability of the displayed value. These properties update themselfes repeatedly within a configured timespan. In addition, various information about freshness, measurement quality and synchronization to the client are available to the user.


Android Client

Live value properties may be displayed either within the content browser as property and / or within the map view upon selecting the regarding object.

Content Browser

The row for live value properties differs only slightly from normal property rows. On the left of the property value unter the description is an connectivity indicating icon, which looks like the connectivity icon from cell phones. The "Fresher" the property value is, the better connectivity is indicated. If all bars are greyed out and a small red cross is shown, the last update was either very long ago or no update was received at all. For detailed information about that, the detail dialog is necessary.

Freshness Indicator

 States of the freshness indicator
States of the freshness indicator

The freshness indicator has the following states, from left to right:

  • New
  • Outdated
  • Old

The following gallery gives an overview about the possible synchronization states of live value property rows.

Map view

 Live values map view
Live values map view

Upon clicking a correctly configured object within the map view, properties are shown within the dialog opening. It is important to know, that only "High priority" properties are shown here, altering the priority threshold setting may change the visibility of the live property in the map view.

Detail dialog

The freshness is very crucial in order to know whether the live property value can be trusted, but there are other influences like how good the measurement itself was. These information gets displayed via a dialog, the user can upon upon clicking the freshness indicator symbol both in the content Browser or the map view. Within the dialog, serveral detailed information can be seen:

Description Information
Recentness Displays how long ago the last syncronization was, based on the internal freshness evaluation system.
Last Synchronization Displays the exact timestamp of the last successfull synchronization, out of this, the recentness is evaluated.
Measurement time stamp Measurement time stamp provided by the measurement unit itself (for instance a pressure measurement unit). Should not be trusted entirely since device time and measurement unti time could have a huge difference.
Measurement quality Quality information provided by the measurement unit or data collecting instance (e.g. OPCUA Server) which together with the "Recentness" gets combined to evaluate the freshness indicator. In addition, a more detailed description about the measurement gets displayed if available.

Some examples how such a detailed information dialog looks like in the following gallery:

WinX Client

Coming soon.