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Restrict Access to known Mobile Devices

Revision as of 12:23, 25 October 2013 by KNO (Talk | contribs)

In order to allow only dedicated mobile devices to connect to the UBIK® system a device has to be registered as Satellite.

  1. Create a new instance of SATELLITE
    Register as Satellite
  2. Enter the device ID of your mobile in the NAME field of the new object
    Enter device ID
  3. Set the status of the satellite to Active
    • If you do not know your device ID use the Information dialog of the UBIK® application to retrieve the device ID of your mobile device
  1. Open the file web.config on the server your UBIK® WebService is running
  2. Within this file, change the value of UBIK.Service.DeviceRestrictive to "1"
    Step 4