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Class Browser

Revision as of 16:24, 22 January 2013 by JKN (Talk | contribs)


The Class Browser is designed to display and edit UBIK® objects in a hierarchical manner. It is also meant to be the superior of all other controls and the only one where at least one instance of it is actually mandatory in a UBIK® Studio session. So it can be considered as the root of object manipulation in UBIK®.

In addition, it makes use of Namespaces and uses them for structuring the displayed objects even further.


View Styles

The Class Browser has three different View Styles.


In this View Style, the Derivates relation from each MetaClass deriving directly or indirectly from BaseClass will be evaluated.


In this View Style, Inheritance relation of all MetaClasses will be evaluated.


In this View Style, the Instances of all MetaClasses will be evaluated.

Context Menu

Other functionality