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Xamarin XAML

Revision as of 16:23, 29 October 2019 by LGE (Talk | contribs)

The User Interface of the Xamarin Clients (Android, iOS, new UWP) can be fundamentally customized using custom XAML definitions. This customization process is heavily influenced by the XAML Customization Process on the WinX Client.


There are predefined XAML templates available that can be customized. If no customizing is found, the default templates will be used.

Default XAMLs

All default XAML templates that can be customized are available through the Xamarin.UWP client. You need to go to the app settings and click the "Unpack default XAMLs" button.

Differences to WinX/UWP

  • Since it's based on the Xamarin XAML dialect, you CANNOT use any existing XAML customizings for the WinX/UWP app;
  • Namespace definitions must include the corresponding assembly names;
  • XAML template files have the extension name of xamlx instead of xaml;
  • You can deploy only those resources that you want to customize.

Overriding default XAMLs

On Windows (WinX/UWP), the [App Package Folder]/LocalState/xaml/ folder can be accessed by the user and the customized XAML files directly added. An alternative to this on all platforms (including Android, iOS, etc.) is to use the Import Customizing button in the app settings to import the templates, styles, images, etc. (file by file, or all files within a zip package). The changes should be reflected in the UI (except the current page) without restarting the app. After directly editing the customizings (Xamarin.UWP), you can also use the "Reload customizing" button without restarting the app.

In the following, we're going to override the default light theme color of the app:

  • Unpack the default XAMLs;
  • Pick and deploy the default UBIKThemes.xamlx to the xaml folder inside the LocalState folder;
  • Open it with the text editor of your choice and remove everything within the ResouceDictionary except <Color x:Key="UBIKLightThemeColor">blue</Color>;
  • Save the changes and reload. You should see changes successfully implemented.
IC Attention.png For maintainability reasons, it's HIGHLY recommended to deploy only those XAML resources you want to override. For example, if you only want to customize the UBIKChildArea, don't deploy others like the UBIKMenuArea. If you only want to customize the UBIKChildItem, that's the only content you should include in the UBIKThemes.

Custom Templates

Custom templates can be added, just like on the WinX/UWP client. Make sure to include all namespace definitions (as attributes of the ContentView tag), otherwise the custom template will not load.

Similar to the UBIKThemes.xamlx file, custom or overridden templates start with a <ContentView> tag containing all namespaces. <ContentView.Resources> takes a ResourceDictionary and contains resources like references to converters. Finally, <ContentView.Content> contains the actual layout content (it's best to start with a Grid). Again, don't forget to add namespaces that you need!

Templates can also be defined in UBIKThemes.xamlx. In this case, they need to be added into the <ResourceDictionary> inside the <ContentView.Resources> template as a <DataTemplate>. Similarly, if you want to split up the templates into seperate files, you need to make sure to follow the steps mentioned above and get the content of the <DataTemplate> into the <ContentView.Content> tag.

IC Attention.pngTemplates defined in separate files will override templates defined in the UBIKThemes.xamlx!

Adding Images

Images can't be loaded with the default Image tag, as the image is on different paths on each operating system.

Therefore, there's a custom FileImage that internally overrides the default Image with two custom parameters:

  • FolderName ...The name of the folder in the local folder. Only the first level inside the LocalState folder seems to work.
  • FileName ...The name of the file in the said folder.

Make sure to implement the proper namespace as well by adding xmlns:fimage="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL" into the root item's attributes.

Then, the image can be loaded using:
<fimage:FileImage FileName="image.png" FolderName="xaml"/>

This snipped loads the image called image.png located in the xaml folder inside the LocalState.

Furthermore, the FileImage tag doesn't seem to support most attributes. Therefore place it inside a Grid to achieve a perfect layout.


Main Page: Converters In Xamarin

They are used to convert specific data into some desired output, using custom logic.

Consider the following example:
A label saying There are no children items available! should only be visible if the number of children-items is 0.


Feature related


In the default UBIKMenuArea.xamlx (where the search UI is hosted), there are two commands associated with two events. See below.

<SearchBar ...>
           Command="{Binding FreeTextSearchCommand}"
           CommandParameter="{Binding Path=Text, Source={x:Reference SearchField}}"
           EventName="SearchButtonPressed" />
        <behaviors:EventToCommandBehavior Command="{Binding DelayedFreeTextSearchCommand}" EventName="TextChanged" />

The one for SearchButtonPressed is responsible for executing searches after the user confirms the input (e.g. pressing Enter or the search button).
The one for TextChanged is responsible for the "search as you type" behavior. Namely it triggers an automatic search shortly (half second) after the user stops changing the text in the search bar. It can be turned off by simply removing that particular behavior.


To get a good performance in the app UI when using your Xaml customizings, it is recommended to try the following.

IC Hint square.pngThere is a default "HeadlessLayout" style available in the app you can use on elements such as Grids, StackLayouts, ContentViews, etc. It turns on layout compression on the applied elements in Xamarin.Android (since we find it not worth the effort in Xamarin.iOS).
IC Attention.pngIf possible, one should always favor designing the UI with less wrapping elements over turning on layout compression on unnecessary ones.

Layout compression examples

<ContentView ControlTemplate="{DynamicResource ChangedSymbol}" Style="{DynamicResource HeadlessLayout}" />

The code above removes one wrapping element added automatically by the ContentView and demonstrates a good reason to use layout compression because it can not be avoided otherwise.

<Grid Margin="2" Style="{DynamicResource HeadlessLayout}">
    <Label Margin="5" Text="{Binding Title}" />

This example, on the other hand, demonstrates a bad usage of layout compression because it can be easily achieved by better designs such as using only the Label with a merged margin.

Sometimes the content inside a compressed layout appears on a wrong z-index level. For eample:

<BoxView CornerRadius="14" HeightRequest="28" WidthRequest="28" Color="Red" />
<ContentView ControlTemplate="{DynamicResource Badge}" Style="{DynamicResource HeadlessLayout}">
    <Label Text="{Binding Title}" />
</ContentView >

According to the order of the BoxView and the Label, the latter should appear on top of the former (later ones have higher z-index levels). However, this can be disturbed by layout compression, causing the exact opposite. In this case, you can add a xmlns:android="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.Core" namespace to your Xaml file and manually elevate the Label by specifying android:VisualElement.Elevation="X" on it accordingly (X is the delta of the z-index level you want).


For performance reasons, we created an extended version of the Syncfusion SfListView control and it should be used for all lists in customizings. You need to add a namespace like xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL" to your Xaml file and use it like <controls:SfListViewExt ... />.

IC Hint square.pngTechnically speaking, SfListViewExt informs item view models when their corresponding item views appear on / disappear from the screen. This way, view models can skip a lot of unnecessary work (on the UI) when their views are not visible. If SfListView is used instead, the item views will not reflect content changes until the page is reloaded/refreshed.