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Editing Wizard

Revision as of 11:47, 7 May 2015 by KNO (Talk | contribs)

 Edit an existing article

List of Versions
(as shown on main page)

Development Pipe
(as shown on main page)

News and Announcements
(as shown on main page)

Client Feature Table

 Create a new article


Enter Activity name to create a new Activity


Enter a name to create a new How-To


Enter a name to create a new MetaClass:


Enter a name classification to create a new Classification

Relation Data

Enter name of RelationData MetaClass to create a new Relation data

Version Pages

Version page: Server

Replace x.y with the major version number

Version page: Android

Replace x.y with the major version number

Version page: Windows

Replace x.y with the major version number

 Create a new category

Replace x.y with major version number to create a new Version category:

