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View Cache

Revision as of 12:18, 7 May 2015 by KNO (Talk | contribs)

IC ReleaseStatus Beta.png
This feature is a beta version. If you experience unexpected issues, please Contact us for support.

The View Cache feature increases the performance of the Web service by caching the data to be published and sent to the clients. All content data as well as the hierarchies, as defined by the View and in the ACM, is evaluated and cached internally. Once the cache has been initialized, its status and additional information can be retrieved by web service methods.

Enabling the View Cache

The View Cache features needs to be enabled in the web.config file of the corresponding web service.

Area Setting Description
appSettings UBIK.Service.EnableViewCachage Enable (1) / Disable (0) the view cache feature for this web service
    <add key="UBIK.Service.EnableViewCache" value="1" />

Web Service Methods