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Difference between revisions of "Help:Editing"

(Client articles)
(Client articles)
Line 350: Line 350:
Documentation related to the different platforms (Android, Windows and Web) should be placed as within those pages as described below.
Documentation related to the different platforms (Android, Windows and Web) should be placed as within those pages as described below.
== Page type ==
=== Specifications ===
=== Specifications ===

Revision as of 10:00, 25 August 2015




Acceptance criteria

Any article should meet the following general acceptance criteria

  • Is the article structured logically and coherently?
  • Can the reader be directed to any other article (eg See also...)?
  • Is the article categorized into at least one category?
  • If the article links to other articles, check whether or not they exist?
  • Check the article for integrity and correctness in regards of technical descriptions. Test the described procedure and verify possible dependencies on versions.
  • Check the article for linguistic correctness in regards to grammar and style.
  • Images are prepared as described here
  • Templates are used if appropriate, find a list of templates here
  • Meet all (additional) requirements defined in this guideline


Reference articles

Please have a look at the following reference articles

IC Hint square.pngIt is common to use the expression: Save the changes with Ctrl+S or the save command
IC Hint square.pngDo also use screenshots in How-To‘s, so that the reader is guided visually.


Descriptive text

Descriptive text should be left aligned and in the standard font, without any additional formatting.


If you want to emphasize something, use bold style.


Colors should be used very sparingly and only if they really contribute to the better understanding of a text.


If you want to refer to the exact name of something in the UI of UBIK®, use italic style.


Use the general headline formatting, type in regular case.


Infoboxes should be used as an introduction for articles that have a useful common denominator. They will appear at the top right ans summarize the article in Keywords and/or pictures. Currently there is a template for a Control Infobox implemented that should be used for all articles about UBIK® controls.


There are two types of lists that can be used:


Use a bullets if you want to list several (short) statements of the same area, which are not chronologically connected. Do not use punctuation for bulleted items.

  • Statement
  • Another Statement

In addition, if you want to list certain tasks that do not follow a particular order you can use right arrows:

→ Task a

→ Task b

Numbered list

Use numbered list if the items are chronologically connected and have to be executed one after the other. Do not use punctuation for bulleted items.

  1. Do this first
  2. then do this
  3. end finally, do this

If you want to add special formatted content, like <syntaxhighlight> tags within the numbered items, use one of the following workarounds to preserve continuous numbering:

# Item 1
# Item 2 <!--
--><syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
# Item 3
# Item 4 <br /><syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
# Item 5

Using a HTML comment <!-- --> OR <br/> for the line break prevents that the numbered list is broken and numbering starts over:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  4. Item 4
  5. Item 5

Obeying this syntax it is also possible to use the {{Hints}} and {{Attention}} templates:

# Item 1
# Item 2 <!--
# Item 3
# Item 4 <!--
# Item 5
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    IC Hint square.pngasdfasdf
  3. Item 3
  4. Item 4
    IC Attention.pngasdfasdf
  5. Item 5


Use the WikiTable like in the following example:

{| class="wikitable sortable" | width = "50%"

|- ! Columns 1!! Column 2

|- | Row 1.1|| Row 1.2

|- | Row 2.1|| Row 2.2

|- | Row 3.1|| Row 3.2

|- |}

will result in

Columns 1 Column 2
Row 1.1 Row 1.2
Row 2.1 Row 2.2
Row 3.1 Row 3.2

For larger data, the sortable table might be more useful:

{| class="wikitable sortable" | width = "50%"

|- ! Columns 1!! Column 2

|- | Row 1.1|| Row 1.2

|- | Row 2.1|| Row 2.2

|- | Row 3.1|| Row 3.2

|- |}

will result in

Columns 1 Column 2
Row 1.1 Row 1.2
Row 2.1 Row 2.2
Row 3.1 Row 3.2


Use either a leading blank to format text as source code, or the <code>-Tag for regular code highlighting.

For highlighting a syntax of a specific programming language, use the syntaxhighlight-Tag (values for lang are for example: csharp, xml, ...).

<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
// Hello World in Microsoft C#.

using System;

class HelloWorld
    public static int Main(String[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
        return 0;

which will result in

// Hello World in Microsoft C#.

using System;

class HelloWorld
    public static int Main(String[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
        return 0;


Wiki specific templates

Check the list of images for this Wiki.

Naming conventions

To obtain some kind of categorization the name of new images must start with one a prefix. Choose the most appropriate one from the below list:

Prefix Description Examples
UI_ screenshots of UBIK® Studio, UBIK® Client, Windows (IIS, SQL, Excel, ...) UBIK UI
IL_ Illustrations (diagrams, fractions of slides, ...) -
SY_ UBIK® symbols (e.g. images for MetaClass, BASECLASS, relations, ...) -
IC_ small graphics (icons, arrows, ...) UBIK Icons


Supporting images

Example Supporting images
Example Supporting images

Supporting images must be formatted as thumb to make them appear on the right side, with the following dimensions:

  • Images in portrait format with 170 pixels width
  • Images in landscape format with 220 pixels width

Example: [[File:Example.jpg|220px|thumb|border|alt=Example|Example]]

Descriptive images

Images as part of the descriptive article text can be placed inline, like for emphasizing a certain manual visually, with the following dimensions:

  • Images in landscape should not exceed 700 pixels width
  • Images in portrait should not exceed 700 pixels height

Example: [[File:Example.jpg|700px|border|alt=Example|Example]]


Use the border parameter in the tag for the embedded image, for example [[File:Example.jpg|border]] results in

Image captions

Use image captions if appropriate to describe the image and to create a relation to the text.

Gallery style

If there is the need to place a series of images within the text use the gallery tag with an appropriate width and height

<gallery widths="200" heights="200">
File:Example.jpg|1 - Example
File:Example.jpg|2 - Example
File:Example.jpg|3 - Example

which results in

{{Clear}} Template

If one or more images should be located next to the descriptive text but which is organized in several sections, use the {{Clear}} template. Have a look at the below section example:

IC Attention.pngUse this command very rarely - try to place the images in a gallery style!

Section 1 starts here


Some text 1

Watch that section 2 starts after some spacing.

Section 2 starts here


Some text 2


Each article must be assigned to at least one category and a maximum of 3 categories.

  • If you feel an article fits into more than 3 categories, consider splitting it into multiple articles
  • If you feel an article fits into no category, consider merging it into another article OR use at least the category UBIK
  • Do not create new categories every time - check if an existing fits to your needs.

Sub Categories

A new sub category can be created by pasting a category within the source of another category page.

Sort Key

Use sort keys for articles and subcategories, e.g. objects of category Classifications, so that the article is sorted by a propery sort key instead of S always. Example: [[Category:System Classifications|T]]

Category Tree

The articles and categories are evaluated by the Category Tree extension and used on the SiteMap page.


Certain types of articles should be assigned to a namespace, which is simply done by adding a namespace-prefix in front of the article name like HowTo:Assign_a_Namespace

Find a list of namespaces and how its realted to a main category below.

Main category Namespace Example
How-To HowTo HowTo:Assign_a_Namespace
Activity Activity Activity:DebugMessage


Internal linking is a good thing, but it must not be used too extensively. Link to the articles that make sense in context of the manual, especially when they are about fundamental principles of UBIK®, like for example the MetaClass article. Link to each keyword only once in an article, at first appearance of the keyword.

External links only make sense if the target article supports in comprehending an article, for example a certain standard or norm that is used by or in UBIK®, i.e. ISO15926.

Download links

Use the {{FileLink|1|2}} template to create download links within wiki articles, like IC FileLink Download.png Start_Screen_Configuration.zip

Client articles

There are four types of pages related to client documentation,

  • Specifications (technical documentation, features, etc.9
  • How-Tos
  • FAQ
  • Version pages

Documentation related to the different platforms (Android, Windows and Web) should be placed as within those pages as described below.

Page type


Features and behavior of the clients sometimes have a rather big overlap, especially how it is documented. On the other side, due to different platforms we have varying UI elements in both, form and handling. Nevertheless, documentation should be kept to a minimum and hence, the features described in the most generic way possible. Only those parts which are platform dependent (due to different UI designs, etc) should be specialized using tabs for each platform dependent documentation.

<tabs style="width:80%">
<tab name="Android">
[[File:UI_TechSpec_UBIKClient_EditDownloadedFile.png|thumb|Notification for editing a downloaded file]]
Android description goes here...
<tab name="Windows">
Windows description goes here...
<tab name="Web">
[[File:UI_WEB_CONTENTLIST.png|thumb|220px|{{UBIK}} Web Content List]]
Web description goes here...

will result in


Notification for editing a downloaded file

Android description goes here...


Windows description goes here...


UBIK® Web Content List

Web description goes here...


Platform / component specific documentation is to be placed onto distinctive tabs. Hence, the information is placed onto the following tabs

  • Studio: describing actions to be performed with UBIK Studio
  • Android: describing actions performed in the Android client
  • Windows: describing actions performed in the Windows client
  • Web: describing actions performed in the Web client


An additional tab Windows is added to the FAQ page for the clients. FAQs related to the Windows client is to be placed here.

Version pages

Separate version pages are created for the Windows client, rather similar to the version pages for Android or the Server.

Special articles


Create a How-To to describe HOW to solve a certain issue. The given instructions should be clear and easy to follow, therefore use screenshots (server and client side) to document your explanations. Use a descriptive name for the How-To article, such that already describes the content.

IC Hint square.pngConsider the KISS principle - Keep It Short and Simple
IC Hint square.pngPlace images within the items of the numbered list (its width should remain 220 pixels width in landscape or 170 pixels height in portrait orientation).


Create or edit a FAQ page to provide answers to questions or issues the reader would ask using WHY, WHO, WHEN, etc. Provide a short answer, which probably also includes a few instructions.

If the issue requires more detailed explanations refer to an existing wiki article or create a new one.


Wiki specific templates

IC Hint square.pngCheck the list of templates for a comprehensive list of available templates in this Wiki.

Download links

Use the {{FileLink|1|2}} template to create download links within wiki articles.


Use the Attention template to draw attention to a certain sentence:

{{Attention|Please don't miss this sentence!}}

will result in

IC Attention.pngPlease don't miss this sentence!


Use the Hint template to outline useful tips and hints:

{{Hint|You should read this, it will simplify your work!}}

will result in

IC Hint square.pngYou should read this, it will simplify your work!


Use HintEvents to outline that the type has specific events.


will result in

IC Hint square.pngThere are specific events available for this type!


Use HintMethods to outline that the type has specific events.


will result in

IC Hint square.pngThere are specific methods available for this type!


See also the list of available Infoboxes templates.

Other useful templates

  • The KeyPress template allows you to display keyboard commands, so {{key press|Ctrl|W}} will result in Ctrl+W
  • Use the UBIK MetaModel template to refer to the data model:

UBIK® MetaModel
A descriptive model, where objects provide information about the aspects of the data, is also called “Metamodel”.

Template list

A list of available templates can be found here List of Templates


The Editing Wizard offers a convenient way to create articles having a pre-defined structure and purpose.

Category Preload template Example
How-To Template:HowTo/Preload HowTo/Preload
Activity Template:Activity/Preload Activity/Preload