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m (Duplicate or Create New Scopechange: trying to fix image)
m (Overview of Scope Changes and Time Sheets: fixed broken link)
(22 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Scope Change management describes the process of managing changes in the project scope and includes the identification, analysis, and control of change requests as the project progresses. This generally involves adjusting the cost, budget, time, team, fees, deliverables, and/or the project schedule. The aim is to achieve project goals according to plan and at the same time minimize possible risks.
A Scopechange is the term given to work that exceeds the original scope determined during the turnaround planning phase. When technicians have to undertake additional work due to unexpected requirements of maintenance or repair, this additional work must be logged as a ''Scopechange'' and negotiated with the project leadership.
==== Creating a Scope Change ====
A Scope Change/Additional Work can be created in two ways;
* '''Duplication of an existing Operation''' using the ''Duplicate as Scope Change'' button found in the bottom right of the [[Turnaround_Wallpaper#Navigation_to_Operation_Details|Activity Details]] area.
* '''Creation of a new Operation''' using the ''Create New Scope Change'' button found in the top bar of the [[Turnaround_Wallpaper#Navigation_to_WorkOrder_Gantt_Page|Workorder Gantt Page]].
An active internet connection is required, as the server must generate a Scope Change Number and autofill the relevant details from the original operation and/or workorder.
=== Duplicate or Create New Scopechange ===
A Scopechange/Additional Work can be created in two ways;
* '''Duplication of an existing Operation''' using the ''Duplicate as Scopechange'' button found in the bottom right of the [[Turnaround_Wallpaper#Navigation_to_Operation_Details|Activity Details]] area.
* '''Creation of a new Operation''' using the ''Create New Scopechange'' button found in the top bar of the [[Turnaround_Wallpaper#Navigation_to_WorkOrder_Gantt_Page|Workorder Gantt Page]].
An active internet connection is required, as the server must generate a Scopechange Number and autofill the relevant details from the original operation and/or workorder.
'''Scopechange creation is limited to the admin user group.'''
[[File:SC_Indicator.png|800px|thumb|Scope Change operations are marked with the above indicator in both the Workorder and Operation views]]
After creation, it must be financially approved before Progress can be reported in the same manner as for planned Activities (from 0 to 100%).  
Scope Change creation is limited to users with the necessary user rights. After creation, the Scope Change must be financially approved before Progress can be reported in the same manner as for planned Activities (from 0 to 100%).  
== Scope Change Details ==
As mentioned above, the client takes care to copy over relevant data from the parent workorder and duplicated operation, when appropriate.
* The '''Workorder Details''' are copied over from the parent.
* A  unique '''Scope Change Number''' is assigned by the server.
* On the right side of the page, a longer '''Scope Change Description''', and attachments, can be added to further describe the work.
[[File:SC_Indicator.png|800px|thumb|none|Scopechange operations are marked with the above indicator.]]
==== Operation Details ====
For new Scope Changes, the Activity Code of ''Scope Change (scocha)'' is assigned by default, and 4 digits for the Operation Number need to be assigned by the user.
For duplicated Scope Changes, the Activity Code, Operation Number, and Operation Description are copied over from the original.  
* The '''Operation Description''' should be altered to describe the work concisely.
* The user should adjust the '''Operation Number''', adding +4 digits for a sub-operation if required.
** Example:  88290234  0040  0000
* The '''Activity Code''' can be selected out of the full list of Activity Codes.
* The user's company is assigned as the '''Contractor'''.
==== Price Details ====
* '''Price Type''' indicates whether the Scope Change shall be billed on a ''Fix Price'', ''Unit Rate'', or ''Hourly'' basis.
** Operations with a Unit Rate or Hourly price type require the attaching of [[Time_Sheets]] for budgetary tracking.
* The '''Estimated Cost''' gives an indication of how much the work should cost overall.
* The '''Early Start''' date is copied over from the Workorder. It represents the earliest that work can begin on an operation and cannot be altered.
* The '''Late Finish''' date is also copied over from the Workorder, however, it can be altered.
* The '''Affects Schedule''' checkbox should be checked on, for yes, if necessary.
All of the above details, aside from the unique Scope Change Number and Early Start, can be altered given the correct user rights.
However, these properties become fixed and can no longer be edited once the Scope Change has reached ''Financial Approval'' status.
[[Category:MaTaP|Scope Changes]]
[[Category:MaTaP|Scope Changes]]
[[Category:MaTaP UWP|Scope Changes]]
[[Category:MaTaP UWP|Scope Changes]]
=== Mark Planned Work as Timesheet-Enabled ===
== Approval Workflow for Scope Changes ==
While contract negotiation is outside of the scope of the MaTaP tool, certain operations are eligible for Unit or Hourly rates billing rates.
The lifecycle of a Scope Change includes a workflow with fixed stages of negotiation and approval that need to be completed before work can be undertaken by the contractor.
An admin with the correct user rights can use the ''Enable Timesheets'' button, found in the Activity Details area of an operation.  
[[File:SC_Workflow.png|800px|thumb|none|A Scope Change with all approval stages cleared. The user, company, and timestamp is displayed for every stage advancement.]]
Timesheet operations are marked with the indicator:
'''IMAGE - timehseet indicator'''
Once Timesheets are enabled, a dedicated is added to the Activity Details area where contractors can attached documents to log their work.
'''IMAGE - Timehseet tab'''
A new Timesheet can be added by clicking the ''Add Timesheet'' button. Then, for each added Timesheet, the contractor must input the Cost and a brief Description of their work. The MaTaP client tracks the ''Running Cost'' of all attached Timesheets.
{{Attention|If a Scope Change is Declined during the Technical or Financial approval phases, the workflow is terminated. Declined Scope Changes are still visible in the wallpaper, but cannot be edited or advanced. A new Scope Change must to be created if necessary.}}
== Scopechange Details ==
As mentioned above, the client takes care to copy over relevant data from the parent workorder and duplicated operation, when appropriate.
* The Workorder Details are copied over from the parent.
* A  unique Scopechange Number is assigned by the server.
* On the right side of the page, a longer ''Scopechange Description'', and attachments, can be added to further describe the work.
==== Operation Details ====
=== Scope Change User Rights ===
For new Scopechanges, the Activity Code of ''Scope Change (scocha)'' is assigned by default, and 4 digits for the Operation Number need to be assigned by the user.
Scope Change creation is a priviledged action and can only be performed with certain user rights. The table below describes the various levels of permissions in descending order.
For duplicated Scopechanges, the Activity Code, Operation Number, and Operation Description are copied over from the original.
Permissions are only available during a certain phase (for example, Issuer rights during the Issuing phase) and the phase ends when the status is advanced to the next phase.
* The Operation Description should be altered to describe the work concisely.
* The user should adjust the Operation Number, + 4 digits for a sub-operation if required.
* The Activity Code can be selected out of the full list of Activity Codes. '''Select only already used ones for this project, otherwise, it will be maybe not visualized.'''
* The user's company is assigned as the Contractor.
==== Price Details ====
{| class="wikitable"
* Price Type indicates whether the scopechange shall be billed on a ''Fix Price'', ''Unit Rate'', or ''Hourly'' basis.
* The Estimated Cost gives an indication of how much the work should cost overall.
! Role !! Phase !! Editable Details !! Buttons
* The Early Start date is copied over from the Workorder. It represents the earliest that work can begin on an operation and cannot be altered.
* The Late Finish date is also copied over from the Workorder, however, it can be altered.
|'''Financial Approver'''
* The Affects Schedule checkbox should be checked on, for yes, if necessary.
| (4th) Financial Approval
** '''If the Scopechange will indeed affect the schedule, it can be specified how many hours (Duration), multiplied by how many people (Resources) will be required. The total is calculated by the client.'''
* Can edit all properties the Issuer can, including Estimated Price and Price Type.
All of the above details, aside from the unique Scopechange Number and Early Start, can be altered given the correct user rights.  
However, these properties become fixed and can no longer be edited once the Scopechange has reached ''Financial Approval'' status.
* '''Approve''' or '''Decline''' the Scope Change financially.
* '''Request TA Clarification''' Meeting or reset the request afterwards.
|'''Technical Approver'''
| (3rd) Technical Approval
* Can change properties listed below for Scope Changes '''within their own company'''.
* Can edit all properties the Issuer can, '''except''' Estimated Price and Price Type.
* '''Approve''' or '''Decline''' the Scope Change technically.
| (2nd) Issuing
* Can change Workorder/Operation Numbers, Operation Description, Activity Code, Affected time schedule, Late Finish date, Estimated Price and Price Type.
* '''Issue''' the Scope Change, effectively confirm of the creation of a new operation.
| (1st) Creation
* Can create/duplicate Scope Changes '''without''' editing any properties.
* Can edit Scope Change Description and add Attachments, as these actions are available to all users.
* '''Create''' New Scope Change or '''Duplicate''' as Scope Change buttons (found on Workorder or Operation views).
== Authorities on Scope Changes ==
== Approval Workflow for Scope Changes ==
== Overview of Scope Changes and [[Time Sheets]] ==
By selecting the "Scope Changes" tile (lilac with a thumbs up/down symbol) from the client sidebar or the start area, the client will navigate to the Scope Changes overview screen. The overview page displays all Scope Changes a particular user is permitted to view, as well as Operations for which payment by Timesheet is agreed (ie. of payment type Hourly Rate or Running Cost).
== Uploading Time Sheets and Cost Settling ==
{{Attention|Only Operations within the same company as the logged in user are displayed.}}
== Overview of Scope Changes and Time Sheets ==
= Cut Content =
{{Attention|This page is under construction.}}
1. '''Scope Change and Time Sheet'''
The list is can be sorted by Tag Number (default) or Workorder Number.
1.1. '''Duplicate or Create New Scope Change or Mark Planned Work as Time Sheet'''
    - Scope changes or additional works can be created by duplication or by creating new scope changes.
    - Planned works based on unit or hourly rates can be marked with “Enable Timesheets” in the Activity Detail.
    - Contractors can then insert timesheets and track planned costs.
    - If additional work is found during execution, an existing operation can be duplicated in the Operation details page.
    - Creating new scope changes can be done with the button on the top of a Work order in Operation list/Gantt View.
1.2. '''Details of Scope Change'''
From left to right, the various columns for each item display:
    - The Operation Nr consists of Work order/Project number + 4 digits for the Operation.
* '''Clarification meeting''' needed / resolved.  
    - Activity code can be selected from all Activity Codes.
* '''Tag''' / '''Workorder''' / '''Scope Change Numbers''', and '''Scope Change Description''' below.
    - The Scope Change Nr is automatically created.
* '''Status''' if it is a Scope Change, or '''[[Time Sheets|Time Sheet]]''' indicator if it is not.
    - Operation details are copied from the Work order and are available like a planned Operation.
** Possible statuses are Created, Issued, Technically Approved / Declined, Financially Approved / Declined.  
    - The estimated price is in € or in project defined Currency.
* '''Activity Number''' and '''Description''', and '''Responsible''' company below.
    - The agreed price type can be Fix Price, Unit Rate price, or hourly Rates.
* '''Cost''' status of the Operation, with budgetary information for Hourly Rate / Running Cost operations with a set price.
    - Additional information for the Scope Change can be put in the Scope Change Description and Attachment.
** Within budget: blue, close to budget: orange, over budget: red.
* '''Gantt''' chart.  
1.3. '''Authorities on Scope Change'''
=== Filtering ===
    - Different authorities have different rights for scope changes, including creating, issuing, technical approval, and financial approval.
Similar to the [[Turnaround_Wallpaper#Advanced_Sorting_and_Filtering|Turnaround Wallpaper]], the filtering panel can be brought in from the right to narrow down the displayed list based on desired parameters.
    - Technical Approvers can change certain details but cannot change estimated price and price type.
    - Financial Approvers can change all details including estimated price and price type.
    - Clarification meetings can be requested by Financial Approvers.
1.4. '''Approval Workflow for Scope Change'''
Operations can be filtered by Plant, Responsible Contractor, Scope Change Type, Tag Number, Workorder/Project Number, Scope Change Status, TA Meeting Status, Price Type, Workorder Number, Scope Change Number, Scope Change Description, Budget condition (>80%, >100%), and Technical or Financial Approver.  
    - A workflow including Create, Issue, Technical Approve, and Financial Approve has to be run through for scope changes.
    - After technical or financial declining, the workflow is stopped and cannot be started again.
1.5. '''Upload Timesheet and Settle Cost'''
{{Hint|Filtering for a Technical or Financial Approver implies that a Scope Change has reached at least either stage.}}
    - Costs can be settled in the Timesheet area/tab for hourly/unit rates and planned works with enabled timesheets if it is financial approved.
    - Fix price cost is visible after financial approval as cost.
1.6. '''Overview of Scope Changes and Time Sheets'''
Helpful tips for filtering:
    - Overview of Scope Changes differs according to authorizations and companies.
* More than one option can be selected for a single filter.  
    - Contractors can only see their scope changes and not others.
** For the text input filters, additional search values can be added using the “;” (semicolon).
    - Sorting is possible according to Tag Nr or Work order/Project Number.
* Text input is not case sensitive, and does not require the full text as a search string.  
    - The status shows if it is a Timesheet or if the Scope Change is Created, Issued, Technically Approved or Declined, Financial Approved or Declined.
    - The Filter allows filtering by various criteria such as Plant, Responsible Contractor, Scope Change Type, etc.
    - More than one option can be selected for filtering.
    - Related Work orders can be filtered with the “Apply” Button on the top after the selection is done.
{{Attention|This page is under construction.}}
After selecting all desired filters, the '''Apply''' button should be used.
'''Clear All''' can be used to reset all filters.
[[Category:MaTaP|Scope Changes]]
[[Category:MaTaP|Scope Changes]]
[[Category:MaTaP UWP|Scope Changes]]
[[Category:MaTaP UWP|Scope Changes]]

Latest revision as of 09:03, 20 January 2025

Scope Change management describes the process of managing changes in the project scope and includes the identification, analysis, and control of change requests as the project progresses. This generally involves adjusting the cost, budget, time, team, fees, deliverables, and/or the project schedule. The aim is to achieve project goals according to plan and at the same time minimize possible risks.

Creating a Scope Change

A Scope Change/Additional Work can be created in two ways;

  • Duplication of an existing Operation using the Duplicate as Scope Change button found in the bottom right of the Activity Details area.
  • Creation of a new Operation using the Create New Scope Change button found in the top bar of the Workorder Gantt Page.

An active internet connection is required, as the server must generate a Scope Change Number and autofill the relevant details from the original operation and/or workorder.

Scope Change operations are marked with the above indicator in both the Workorder and Operation views

Scope Change creation is limited to users with the necessary user rights. After creation, the Scope Change must be financially approved before Progress can be reported in the same manner as for planned Activities (from 0 to 100%).

Scope Change Details

As mentioned above, the client takes care to copy over relevant data from the parent workorder and duplicated operation, when appropriate.

  • The Workorder Details are copied over from the parent.
  • A unique Scope Change Number is assigned by the server.
  • On the right side of the page, a longer Scope Change Description, and attachments, can be added to further describe the work.

SC Tab.png

Operation Details

For new Scope Changes, the Activity Code of Scope Change (scocha) is assigned by default, and 4 digits for the Operation Number need to be assigned by the user. For duplicated Scope Changes, the Activity Code, Operation Number, and Operation Description are copied over from the original.

  • The Operation Description should be altered to describe the work concisely.
  • The user should adjust the Operation Number, adding +4 digits for a sub-operation if required.
    • Example: 88290234 0040 0000
  • The Activity Code can be selected out of the full list of Activity Codes.
  • The user's company is assigned as the Contractor.

Price Details

  • Price Type indicates whether the Scope Change shall be billed on a Fix Price, Unit Rate, or Hourly basis.
    • Operations with a Unit Rate or Hourly price type require the attaching of Time Sheets for budgetary tracking.
  • The Estimated Cost gives an indication of how much the work should cost overall.
  • The Early Start date is copied over from the Workorder. It represents the earliest that work can begin on an operation and cannot be altered.
  • The Late Finish date is also copied over from the Workorder, however, it can be altered.
  • The Affects Schedule checkbox should be checked on, for yes, if necessary.

All of the above details, aside from the unique Scope Change Number and Early Start, can be altered given the correct user rights. However, these properties become fixed and can no longer be edited once the Scope Change has reached Financial Approval status.

Approval Workflow for Scope Changes

The lifecycle of a Scope Change includes a workflow with fixed stages of negotiation and approval that need to be completed before work can be undertaken by the contractor.

A Scope Change with all approval stages cleared. The user, company, and timestamp is displayed for every stage advancement.

IC Attention.pngIf a Scope Change is Declined during the Technical or Financial approval phases, the workflow is terminated. Declined Scope Changes are still visible in the wallpaper, but cannot be edited or advanced. A new Scope Change must to be created if necessary.

Scope Change User Rights

Scope Change creation is a priviledged action and can only be performed with certain user rights. The table below describes the various levels of permissions in descending order. Permissions are only available during a certain phase (for example, Issuer rights during the Issuing phase) and the phase ends when the status is advanced to the next phase.

Role Phase Editable Details Buttons
Financial Approver (4th) Financial Approval
  • Can edit all properties the Issuer can, including Estimated Price and Price Type.
  • Approve or Decline the Scope Change financially.
  • Request TA Clarification Meeting or reset the request afterwards.
Technical Approver (3rd) Technical Approval
  • Can change properties listed below for Scope Changes within their own company.
  • Can edit all properties the Issuer can, except Estimated Price and Price Type.
  • Approve or Decline the Scope Change technically.
Issuer (2nd) Issuing
  • Can change Workorder/Operation Numbers, Operation Description, Activity Code, Affected time schedule, Late Finish date, Estimated Price and Price Type.
  • Issue the Scope Change, effectively confirm of the creation of a new operation.
Creator (1st) Creation
  • Can create/duplicate Scope Changes without editing any properties.
  • Can edit Scope Change Description and add Attachments, as these actions are available to all users.
  • Create New Scope Change or Duplicate as Scope Change buttons (found on Workorder or Operation views).

Overview of Scope Changes and Time Sheets

By selecting the "Scope Changes" tile (lilac with a thumbs up/down symbol) from the client sidebar or the start area, the client will navigate to the Scope Changes overview screen. The overview page displays all Scope Changes a particular user is permitted to view, as well as Operations for which payment by Timesheet is agreed (ie. of payment type Hourly Rate or Running Cost).

IC Attention.pngOnly Operations within the same company as the logged in user are displayed.

|SC Overview.png

The list is can be sorted by Tag Number (default) or Workorder Number.

From left to right, the various columns for each item display:

  • Clarification meeting needed / resolved.
  • Tag / Workorder / Scope Change Numbers, and Scope Change Description below.
  • Status if it is a Scope Change, or Time Sheet indicator if it is not.
    • Possible statuses are Created, Issued, Technically Approved / Declined, Financially Approved / Declined.
  • Activity Number and Description, and Responsible company below.
  • Cost status of the Operation, with budgetary information for Hourly Rate / Running Cost operations with a set price.
    • Within budget: blue, close to budget: orange, over budget: red.
  • Gantt chart.


Similar to the Turnaround Wallpaper, the filtering panel can be brought in from the right to narrow down the displayed list based on desired parameters.

Operations can be filtered by Plant, Responsible Contractor, Scope Change Type, Tag Number, Workorder/Project Number, Scope Change Status, TA Meeting Status, Price Type, Workorder Number, Scope Change Number, Scope Change Description, Budget condition (>80%, >100%), and Technical or Financial Approver.

IC Hint square.pngFiltering for a Technical or Financial Approver implies that a Scope Change has reached at least either stage.

Helpful tips for filtering:

  • More than one option can be selected for a single filter.
    • For the text input filters, additional search values can be added using the “;” (semicolon).
  • Text input is not case sensitive, and does not require the full text as a search string.

After selecting all desired filters, the Apply button should be used.
Clear All can be used to reset all filters.