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The custom filtering is based on four different xaml parts:
This page describes how to customize filtered lists that accept one or multiple user inputs as filter criteria (referred to as 'Dynamic'), alone or combined with predefined criteria(referred to as 'Static'). The following examples are based on the Children.Items collection, however, Properties or Documents can be filtered too, by adjusting the ItemsSource in the <cv:ListCollectionView> or <controls:SfDataSourceExt> in UWP or Xamarin respectively.
* Input field
* EvalExpression
{{Attention|Are you sure you need this?<br>UBIK has a simpler out-of-the-box Property-based filtering technique for filtering child objects when one or multiple property value inputs are the only type of criteria required. See [[Property_Based_Content_Filters]]}}
* ListCollectionView
* ListView <br>
Four elements are required for Custom Filtering:
* Input field - for user inputs.
* [[EvalExpression]] - for converting user inputs into a filter expression.
* Collection Filter - for applying the expression to a collection.
* Items control - for displaying the filtered items.
With this Filter, we are able to filter in a Guid Editor dynamically without using any evaluate button or something, you just input a value that you want to filter with and it will directly output you any item that contains the filter input.
This system acts dynamically to output the filtered list, without requiring the use of an Evaluation button, and directly outputs all items that match the filter input.
This page will first describe the basic implementation of a single dynamic input, then describe how to allow for multiple inputs, and finally, how to combine multiple dynamic inputs with static, predefined criteria.
However, keep in mind that for simply dynamically filtering child objects based on single or multiple property values, this complex customizing is not required. Instead, this technique gives the possibility to create multiple collections based on the same child collection, each with individual filters that do not interfere with each other, or else to create filters based on dynamic inputs for Properties or Documents, which are not handled by the Content-Based Filtering functionality.
== Input field ==
The input field is just a basic Textbox we are gonna using for inputting the filter criteria value. <br>
It will look like this:
== Basic Implementation ==
To build the filter in XAML, you will need to place an EvalExpression and a Collection Filter in the Resources of your container (most likely, a Grid). In the container's content, you will need the Input control, and the items control as an output (most likely a ListView).
The following namespaces are used:
<tab name="UWP">
<tab name="UWP">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
      <!--  Type / Content / Buttons  -->
            <ColumnDefinition Width="60" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="2*" />
      <TextBlock Margin="0,0,0,0"
<tab name="Xamarin">
<source lang = "xml">
            <Run Text="Name:"/>
    <!--  Textbox for editing  -->
=== Resources ===
    <TextBox x:Name="InputTextboxName"
For UWP, it is possible to place the EvalExpression and Collection Filter into the <Grid.Resources>, as shown below. However, for Xamarin, it is required to use the <ContentView.Resources>.
For the Collection Filter, use [[XAML_Changes_in_UBIK_WinX_3.5#Filtering_by_expressions|ListCollectionView]] for UWP & [[Xamarin_XAML#FeatureRelated|Content_filtering]] for Xamarin:
<tab name="UWP">
<source lang = "xml">
<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="FilterExpression" Context="{Binding}" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true&quot; : EXP">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
Expression="{Binding ElementName=FilterExpression, Path=Result}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" />
{{Attention|Note that the EvalExpression in UWP requires an x:Name, which in turn requires the 'ElementName' syntax seen in the <cv:ListCollectionView>.}}
{{Attention|Note that the Converter seen in the 'EXP' EvalExpressionParameter in UWP is 'StringFormatConverter', which is different than in Xamarin.}}
<tab name="Xamarin">
<tab name="Xamarin">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<Entry x:Name="Filter_Input"
<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="FilterExpression" Context="{Binding}" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true&quot; : EXP">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormat}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
Expression="{Binding Source={StaticResource FilterExpression}, Path=Result}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" />
{{Attention|Note that the EvalExpression in Xamarin requires an x:Key, which in turn requires the 'StaticResource ' syntax seen in the <controls:SfDataSourceExt>.}}
{{Attention|Note that the Converter seen in the 'EXP' EvalExpressionParameter in Xamarin is 'StringFormat', which is different than in UWP.}}
The EvalExpression Expression first checks whether the TextBox input is empty (as this would otherwise incorrectly be considered a filter input, whereby the property should be empty) and if so returns the unfiltered list (expression outcome hardcoded to 'true'), otherwise, applies the filter (expression outcome is taken from string constructed in ConverterParameter of 'EXP').
== [[EvalExpression]] ==
There are two important details of the EvalExpressionParameter to note here:
With this [[EvalExpression]], we are able to combine the Input text field with the value parameter (property from the item we want to filter).
* The "ElementName=NameInput" / "x:Reference NameInput" should match exactly to the name of your Input control.
* The Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;] should be adapted, by changing NAME to the property that should be filtered by this input.
Here is the final XAML [[EvalExpression]] solution:
=== TextBox / Entry ===
The input field is just a basic <Textbox> / <Entry> we will use to input the filter criteria value. The only important detail for this input control is the name, which must be passed back to the EvalExpressionParameter.
It will look like this:
<tab name="UWP">
<tab name="UWP">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="FilterExpression"
<TextBox x:Name="NameInput" />
                    <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="FC1"
                    Value="{Binding ElementName=InputTextboxName, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
Line 67: Line 100:
<tab name="Xamarin">
<tab name="Xamarin">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="FilterExpression" Expression="(P1==null||P1==&quot;&quot;)?&quot;true&quot;:P0" Context="{Binding}">
<Entry x:Name="NameInput"/>
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="P0" Value="{Binding Path=Text, Source={x:Reference Filter_Input}, Converter={StaticResource Formatter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="P1" Value="{Binding Path=Text, Source={x:Reference Filter_Input}}" />
The best solution would be to place this eval expression into the <Grid.Resources>.
Used namespace:
=== Items control  ===
An items control will likely be used for displaying filtered results, such as <controls:SelectionBoundListView> for UWP & [[Xamarin_XAML#Performance|SfListViewExt]] for Xamarin:
<tab name="UWP">
<tab name="UWP">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
      ItemsSource="{StaticResource FilterView}" />
<tab name="Xamarin">
<tab name="Xamarin">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang="xml">
      ItemsSource="{Binding DisplayItems, Source={StaticResource FilterView}}" />
== Multiple Dynamic (User Inputs) Criteria ==
It is likely that the customizing is required to process multiple user inputs for the same filter. In this case, the EvalExpression must be adapted to combine the inputs (most likely using an AND relation, for a 'filtering-down' effect), as well as to deliver the full list when nothing is inputted.
A <Textbox> / <Entry>, and an EvalExpression, will be required for every additional property, as well as a final EvalExpression to combine them.
== [[XAML_Changes_in_UBIK_WinX_3.5#Filtering_by_expressions|ListCollectionView]] ==
The EvalExpressions should be amended as follows:
To really get used to this EvalExpression we also need to configure a [[XAML_Changes_in_UBIK_WinX_3.5#Filtering_by_expressions|ListCollectionView]], that would look like this:
<tab name="UWP">
<tab name="UWP">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<cv:ListCollectionView x:Key="FilterView"
<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="Name_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP " Context="{Binding}">
                Expression="{Binding ElementName=FilterExpression, Path=Result}"
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
                ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text}" />
<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="Desc_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP " Context="{Binding}">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=DescInput, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;DESCR&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding ElementName=DescInput, Path=Text}" />
<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="FilterExpression" Context="{Binding}" Expression="NAME +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ DESC">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="NAME" Value="{Binding ElementName=Name_FilterExpression, Path=Result}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="DESC" Value="{Binding ElementName=Desc_FilterExpression, Path=Result}" />
Line 105: Line 153:
<tab name="Xamarin">
<tab name="Xamarin">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<controls:SfDataSourceExt x:Key="FilterView"
<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="Name_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP " Context="{Binding}">
        Expression="{Binding Path=Result, Source={StaticResource FilterExpression}}"
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormat}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
        ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text}" />
<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="Desc_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP " Context="{Binding}">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference DescInput}, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormat}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;DESCR&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference DescInput}, Path=Text}" />
<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="FilterExpression" Context="{Binding}" Expression="NAME +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ DESC">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="NAME" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource Name_FilterExpression}, Path=Result}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="DESC" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource Desc_FilterExpression}, Path=Result}" />
The above example shows how to check for inputs to either property, NAME and DESCR, then use an additional EvalExpression to create the expression string that combines them. For each additional property you need to:
* Create an EvalExpression that checks whether the text input is null or empty, and if not, returns the desired expression EXP.
*  Add each EvalExpression (Name_FilterExpression, Desc_FilterExpression) to the 'main' one (FilterExpression) as Parameters, combined using the escaped '&&' concatenation symbols.
{{Attention|Due to the escaped syntax required in the Expression, <source lang = "xml">+&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+</source> is the correct syntax required to concatenate filter expressions together.}}
Once the additional input controls have been created, processed in their own EvalExpressions, referenced as EvalExpressionParameters and the "FilterExpression" EvalExpression has been adapted as shown, the filter should already function as required; the Collection Filters and Items Controls do not need to be adapted.
=== When One is a Boolean (CheckBox) ===
To process a Boolean filter, the expression needs to be slightly amended, due to the different type of filter match criteria that is required.
Note that the below implementation returns all items by default (ie. when the CheckBox is unchecked), and returns only True matches when the CheckBox is checked. This functionality is designed to align with string input, where no filtering occurs for each string until something is entered into the corresponding text input box.
<source lang = "xml">
Note that this example uses UWP xaml syntax:
<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="Bool_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==false) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP" Context="{Binding}">
    <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=CheckBox, Path=IsChecked, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;MP_BOOL&quot;]==&quot;{0}&quot;'}" />
    <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding ElementName=CheckBox, Path=IsChecked}" />
* The individual EvalExpression for a Boolean filter match needs to be amended as follows:
** The INPUT can never be null, as the IsChecked property is either True or False. Therefore we can remove the Null or empty test, and instead, check whether the CheckBox is checked or not. IsChecked=False should 'escape' the expression, and return all items (or, not contribute to the overall filtering).
* The EvalExpressionParameter 'EXP' similarly can be simplified, as it does not need to make a string match with .Contains, but simply check whether the property value matches to True or False.
Changes only need to be made to the individual EvalExpression. The "FilterExpression" that joins all individual expressions does not need to be amended, other than the regular additional EvalExpressionParameter, and updating the expression accordingly.
== Combining Dynamic (User Inputs) and Static (Predefined) Criteria ==
A common use of the Collection Filter is to filter child lists based on one or multiple properties, such as MetaDefinition.UID or a certain status, to present groups of specific object types. Therefore, it is likely that a customizing may require hardcoded filter criteria, combined with user input, if any is provided.
The following describes how to implement such a scenario in XAML, again using [[:Category:Multiple Dynamic (User Inputs) Criteria]] as a starting point.
Used namespace:
<tab name="UWP">
<tab name="UWP">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<x:String x:Key="Static_FilterExpression">Item.Content.MetaDefinition.UID.ToString().ToLower()==&quot;6f73cde9-ed38-4cbd-8ca1-4597cc2ae621&quot;</x:String>
<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="FilterExpression" Expression="NAME +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ DESC +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ STAT" Context="{Binding}">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="NAME" Value="{Binding ElementName=Name_FilterExpression, Path=Result}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="DESC" Value="{Binding ElementName=Desc_FilterExpression, Path=Result}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="STAT" Value="{StaticResource Static_FilterExpression}" />
Line 122: Line 230:
<tab name="Xamarin">
<tab name="Xamarin">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<x:String x:Key="Static_FilterExpression">Item.Content.MetaDefinition.UID.ToString().ToLower()==&quot;6f73cde9-ed38-4cbd-8ca1-4597cc2ae621&quot;</x:String>
<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="FilterExpression" Expression="NAME +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ DESC +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ STAT" Context="{Binding}">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="NAME" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource Name_FilterExpression}, Path=Result}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="DESC" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource Desc_FilterExpression}, Path=Result}" />
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="STAT" Value="{StaticResource Static_FilterExpression}" />
Once one or multiple EvalExpressions have been added to process each input (such as Name_FilterExpression, Desc_FilterExpression), the remaining predefined filter criteria, in this example, filtering for a specific MetaClass by UID, can be added as an x:String, or directly in the EvalExpression paramerter, though the first approach is recommended, for better readability.
== ListView control  ==
== Filtering a GUID Property ==
The ListView is for using the filtered results, in this example a SelectionBoundListView is used but could also be any other control list view.
The expression string seen in the "EXP" command parameters shown above compare a user input with the value stored in Values[MP_PROPERTY], of the requested property. However, in certain cases, it may not be adequate to search in Values[MP_PROPERTY], such as when the property is a GUID. This is because Values[LK_GUID_PROPERTY] returns the UID value of the linked object, whereas Properties.VisibleItems[LK_GUID_PROPERTY].DisplayValue returns the human readable label associated with this linked object.
The solution is to rewrite the expression string to target the correct binding:
<tab name="UWP">
<tab name="UWP">
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Properties.VisibleItems[&quot;LK_GUID_PROPERTY&quot;].DisplayString.ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
                ItemTemplate="{Binding PropertyViewModel.TemplateService[UBIKInlineQueryResultItem]}"
                ItemsSource="{StaticResource FilterView}"
                SelectedValue="{Binding PropertyValue}"
                Visibility="{Binding PropertyViewModel.FilterQuery, Converter={StaticResource NullObjectToCollapsedConverter}}">
                        <Core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding PropertyViewModel.SetPropertyValueCommand}"
                            CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=FilterQueryList, Path=SelectedValue}" />
<tab name="Xamarin">
<tab name="Xamarin">
<source lang="xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormat}, ConverterParameter='Item.Properties.VisibleItems[&quot;LK_GUID_PROPERTY&quot;].DisplayString.ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
                IsVisible="{Binding PropertyViewModel.ShowComboBox, Converter={StaticResource BoolToNotBool}, FallbackValue=false, TargetNullValue=false}"
                ItemTemplate="{StaticResource EditorFilterQueryItemTemplate}"
                ItemsSource="{Binding DisplayItems, Source={StaticResource FilterView}}"
                SelectedItem="{Binding PropertyViewModel.ValueItem.PropertyValue, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource GuidPropertyValue}, ConverterParameter={Binding Source={x:Reference FilterQueryResultList}}}"
                SelectionBackgroundColor="{StaticResource UBIKAccentColor}" />
A good way to inspect and test the target binding is to output it on the items UI, therefore on the ItemTemplate of your ListView, as well as to output the expressions that are being dynamically generated in your EvalExpressions, by binding the Result to the Text property of a <TextBlock> (UWP) or <Label> (Xamarin).
== Adjustments ==
=== And / Or Operations ===
All examples of multiple inputs in this article use an 'and' filter condition, where, if any inputs are entered, only items that match all inputs (NAME <b>and</b> DESC) are kept in the collection, to produce a 'filtering down' effect in the user interface.
If a less strict filter condition is required, the FilterExpression can be altered to have an 'or' condition, where all results that match NAME <b>or</b> DESC, but not necessarily both, are shown. To do so, simply change the concatenation syntax to return 'or' symbols (two pipes or '||'):
<source lang = "xml">
== Known Issues ==
=== Text Input in ListView Header Template ===
This implementation will not work when parts of it, such as the Input fields, are hosted in a ListView header or footer template, as this content is not readable by the rest of the page and will return a "Can not find the object referenced" parsing error.
To workaround this, you need to move the Input control out of the header template.
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[XAML]]
* [[XAML]]
* [[XAML_Tips]]
* [[Xamarin_XAML]]
[[Category:Client|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:Filtering|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:Styling|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:WinX|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:XAML|Implement Custom Filtering]]

Latest revision as of 12:54, 4 April 2024

This page describes how to customize filtered lists that accept one or multiple user inputs as filter criteria (referred to as 'Dynamic'), alone or combined with predefined criteria(referred to as 'Static'). The following examples are based on the Children.Items collection, however, Properties or Documents can be filtered too, by adjusting the ItemsSource in the <cv:ListCollectionView> or <controls:SfDataSourceExt> in UWP or Xamarin respectively.

IC Attention.pngAre you sure you need this?
UBIK has a simpler out-of-the-box Property-based filtering technique for filtering child objects when one or multiple property value inputs are the only type of criteria required. See Property Based Content Filters

Four elements are required for Custom Filtering:

  • Input field - for user inputs.
  • EvalExpression - for converting user inputs into a filter expression.
  • Collection Filter - for applying the expression to a collection.
  • Items control - for displaying the filtered items.

This system acts dynamically to output the filtered list, without requiring the use of an Evaluation button, and directly outputs all items that match the filter input.

This page will first describe the basic implementation of a single dynamic input, then describe how to allow for multiple inputs, and finally, how to combine multiple dynamic inputs with static, predefined criteria. However, keep in mind that for simply dynamically filtering child objects based on single or multiple property values, this complex customizing is not required. Instead, this technique gives the possibility to create multiple collections based on the same child collection, each with individual filters that do not interfere with each other, or else to create filters based on dynamic inputs for Properties or Documents, which are not handled by the Content-Based Filtering functionality.

Basic Implementation

To build the filter in XAML, you will need to place an EvalExpression and a Collection Filter in the Resources of your container (most likely, a Grid). In the container's content, you will need the Input control, and the items control as an output (most likely a ListView).

The following namespaces are used:






For UWP, it is possible to place the EvalExpression and Collection Filter into the <Grid.Resources>, as shown below. However, for Xamarin, it is required to use the <ContentView.Resources>. For the Collection Filter, use ListCollectionView for UWP & Content_filtering for Xamarin:


        <controls:EvalExpression x:Name="FilterExpression" Context="{Binding}" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true&quot; : EXP">
                <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text}" />
                <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
                Expression="{Binding ElementName=FilterExpression, Path=Result}"
                ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" />
IC Attention.pngNote that the EvalExpression in UWP requires an x:Name, which in turn requires the 'ElementName' syntax seen in the <cv:ListCollectionView>.
IC Attention.pngNote that the Converter seen in the 'EXP' EvalExpressionParameter in UWP is 'StringFormatConverter', which is different than in Xamarin.


                <controls:EvalExpression x:Key="FilterExpression" Context="{Binding}" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true&quot; : EXP">
                        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text}" />
                        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormat}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
                        Expression="{Binding Source={StaticResource FilterExpression}, Path=Result}"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" />
IC Attention.pngNote that the EvalExpression in Xamarin requires an x:Key, which in turn requires the 'StaticResource ' syntax seen in the <controls:SfDataSourceExt>.
IC Attention.pngNote that the Converter seen in the 'EXP' EvalExpressionParameter in Xamarin is 'StringFormat', which is different than in UWP.

The EvalExpression Expression first checks whether the TextBox input is empty (as this would otherwise incorrectly be considered a filter input, whereby the property should be empty) and if so returns the unfiltered list (expression outcome hardcoded to 'true'), otherwise, applies the filter (expression outcome is taken from string constructed in ConverterParameter of 'EXP').

There are two important details of the EvalExpressionParameter to note here:

  • The "ElementName=NameInput" / "x:Reference NameInput" should match exactly to the name of your Input control.
  • The Item.Values["NAME"] should be adapted, by changing NAME to the property that should be filtered by this input.

TextBox / Entry

The input field is just a basic <Textbox> / <Entry> we will use to input the filter criteria value. The only important detail for this input control is the name, which must be passed back to the EvalExpressionParameter.

It will look like this:


<TextBox x:Name="NameInput" />


<Entry x:Name="NameInput"/>

Items control

An items control will likely be used for displaying filtered results, such as <controls:SelectionBoundListView> for UWP & SfListViewExt for Xamarin:


      ItemsSource="{StaticResource FilterView}" />


      ItemsSource="{Binding DisplayItems, Source={StaticResource FilterView}}" />

Multiple Dynamic (User Inputs) Criteria

It is likely that the customizing is required to process multiple user inputs for the same filter. In this case, the EvalExpression must be adapted to combine the inputs (most likely using an AND relation, for a 'filtering-down' effect), as well as to deliver the full list when nothing is inputted. A <Textbox> / <Entry>, and an EvalExpression, will be required for every additional property, as well as a final EvalExpression to combine them.

The EvalExpressions should be amended as follows:


<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="Name_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP " Context="{Binding}">
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text}" />

<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="Desc_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP " Context="{Binding}">
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=DescInput, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;DESCR&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding ElementName=DescInput, Path=Text}" />

<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="FilterExpression" Context="{Binding}" Expression="NAME +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ DESC">
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="NAME" Value="{Binding ElementName=Name_FilterExpression, Path=Result}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="DESC" Value="{Binding ElementName=Desc_FilterExpression, Path=Result}" />


<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="Name_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP " Context="{Binding}">
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormat}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;NAME&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text}" />

<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="Desc_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==null||INPUT==&quot;&quot;) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP " Context="{Binding}">
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference DescInput}, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormat}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;DESCR&quot;].ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference DescInput}, Path=Text}" />

<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="FilterExpression" Context="{Binding}" Expression="NAME +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ DESC">
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="NAME" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource Name_FilterExpression}, Path=Result}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="DESC" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource Desc_FilterExpression}, Path=Result}" />

The above example shows how to check for inputs to either property, NAME and DESCR, then use an additional EvalExpression to create the expression string that combines them. For each additional property you need to:

  • Create an EvalExpression that checks whether the text input is null or empty, and if not, returns the desired expression EXP.
  • Add each EvalExpression (Name_FilterExpression, Desc_FilterExpression) to the 'main' one (FilterExpression) as Parameters, combined using the escaped '&&' concatenation symbols.
IC Attention.pngDue to the escaped syntax required in the Expression,
is the correct syntax required to concatenate filter expressions together.

Once the additional input controls have been created, processed in their own EvalExpressions, referenced as EvalExpressionParameters and the "FilterExpression" EvalExpression has been adapted as shown, the filter should already function as required; the Collection Filters and Items Controls do not need to be adapted.

When One is a Boolean (CheckBox)

To process a Boolean filter, the expression needs to be slightly amended, due to the different type of filter match criteria that is required.

Note that the below implementation returns all items by default (ie. when the CheckBox is unchecked), and returns only True matches when the CheckBox is checked. This functionality is designed to align with string input, where no filtering occurs for each string until something is entered into the corresponding text input box.

Note that this example uses UWP xaml syntax:

<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="Bool_FilterExpression" Expression="(INPUT==false) ? &quot;true==true&quot; : EXP" Context="{Binding}">
    <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=CheckBox, Path=IsChecked, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Values[&quot;MP_BOOL&quot;]==&quot;{0}&quot;'}" />
    <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="INPUT" Value="{Binding ElementName=CheckBox, Path=IsChecked}" />

  • The individual EvalExpression for a Boolean filter match needs to be amended as follows:
    • The INPUT can never be null, as the IsChecked property is either True or False. Therefore we can remove the Null or empty test, and instead, check whether the CheckBox is checked or not. IsChecked=False should 'escape' the expression, and return all items (or, not contribute to the overall filtering).
  • The EvalExpressionParameter 'EXP' similarly can be simplified, as it does not need to make a string match with .Contains, but simply check whether the property value matches to True or False.

Changes only need to be made to the individual EvalExpression. The "FilterExpression" that joins all individual expressions does not need to be amended, other than the regular additional EvalExpressionParameter, and updating the expression accordingly.

Combining Dynamic (User Inputs) and Static (Predefined) Criteria

A common use of the Collection Filter is to filter child lists based on one or multiple properties, such as MetaDefinition.UID or a certain status, to present groups of specific object types. Therefore, it is likely that a customizing may require hardcoded filter criteria, combined with user input, if any is provided.

The following describes how to implement such a scenario in XAML, again using Multiple Dynamic (User Inputs) Criteria as a starting point.


<x:String x:Key="Static_FilterExpression">Item.Content.MetaDefinition.UID.ToString().ToLower()==&quot;6f73cde9-ed38-4cbd-8ca1-4597cc2ae621&quot;</x:String>

<controls:EvalExpression x:Name="FilterExpression" Expression="NAME +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ DESC +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ STAT" Context="{Binding}">
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="NAME" Value="{Binding ElementName=Name_FilterExpression, Path=Result}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="DESC" Value="{Binding ElementName=Desc_FilterExpression, Path=Result}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="STAT" Value="{StaticResource Static_FilterExpression}" />


<x:String x:Key="Static_FilterExpression">Item.Content.MetaDefinition.UID.ToString().ToLower()==&quot;6f73cde9-ed38-4cbd-8ca1-4597cc2ae621&quot;</x:String>

<controls:EvalExpression x:Key="FilterExpression" Expression="NAME +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ DESC +&quot;&amp;&amp;&quot;+ STAT" Context="{Binding}">
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="NAME" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource Name_FilterExpression}, Path=Result}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="DESC" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource Desc_FilterExpression}, Path=Result}" />
        <controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="STAT" Value="{StaticResource Static_FilterExpression}" />

Once one or multiple EvalExpressions have been added to process each input (such as Name_FilterExpression, Desc_FilterExpression), the remaining predefined filter criteria, in this example, filtering for a specific MetaClass by UID, can be added as an x:String, or directly in the EvalExpression paramerter, though the first approach is recommended, for better readability.

Filtering a GUID Property

The expression string seen in the "EXP" command parameters shown above compare a user input with the value stored in Values[MP_PROPERTY], of the requested property. However, in certain cases, it may not be adequate to search in Values[MP_PROPERTY], such as when the property is a GUID. This is because Values[LK_GUID_PROPERTY] returns the UID value of the linked object, whereas Properties.VisibleItems[LK_GUID_PROPERTY].DisplayValue returns the human readable label associated with this linked object.

The solution is to rewrite the expression string to target the correct binding:


<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding ElementName=NameInput, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormatConverter}, ConverterParameter='Item.Properties.VisibleItems[&quot;LK_GUID_PROPERTY&quot;].DisplayString.ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />


<controls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="EXP" Value="{Binding Source={x:Reference NameInput}, Path=Text, Converter={StaticResource StringFormat}, ConverterParameter='Item.Properties.VisibleItems[&quot;LK_GUID_PROPERTY&quot;].DisplayString.ToLower().Contains(&quot;{0}&quot;.ToLower())==true'}" />

A good way to inspect and test the target binding is to output it on the items UI, therefore on the ItemTemplate of your ListView, as well as to output the expressions that are being dynamically generated in your EvalExpressions, by binding the Result to the Text property of a <TextBlock> (UWP) or <Label> (Xamarin).


And / Or Operations

All examples of multiple inputs in this article use an 'and' filter condition, where, if any inputs are entered, only items that match all inputs (NAME and DESC) are kept in the collection, to produce a 'filtering down' effect in the user interface.

If a less strict filter condition is required, the FilterExpression can be altered to have an 'or' condition, where all results that match NAME or DESC, but not necessarily both, are shown. To do so, simply change the concatenation syntax to return 'or' symbols (two pipes or '||'):


Known Issues

Text Input in ListView Header Template

This implementation will not work when parts of it, such as the Input fields, are hosted in a ListView header or footer template, as this content is not readable by the rest of the page and will return a "Can not find the object referenced" parsing error.

To workaround this, you need to move the Input control out of the header template.

See also