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=== Activating the Multi Select Mode ===
== Activating the multi select mode ==
<tab name="UWP">
<tab name="UWP">
Clicking on a Multi Select button, which will appear when hovering over an item, activates the Multi Select mode. A panel at the left side gets displayed.
Clicking on a Multi Select button, which will appear when hovering over a list, activates the Multi Select mode. A panel at the left side gets displayed.
Line 14: Line 14:
=== Multi Select panel ===
In XAML code, you can use <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.ToggleMultiSelectCommand</code> to (de)activate the multi select mode.
== Multi select panel ==
Line 21: Line 24:
The first one is for selecting all items, the second for deselecting all items at one click. The {{key press|x}} button closes the panel and deactivates the Multi Select mode.
The first one is for selecting all items, the second for deselecting all items at one click. The {{key press|x}} button closes the panel and deactivates the Multi Select mode.
Further, the panel contains two tabs.
Further, the panel contains two tabs.
The "properties" tab displays all common editable properties of the selected items. If none are selected, or if the selected items dont share any common properties, it will remain empty.
The "properties" tab displays all common editable properties of the selected items. If none are selected, or if the selected items don't share any common properties, it will remain empty.
The "other options" tab contains buttons to perform actions on all selected items.
The "other options" tab contains buttons to perform actions on all selected items.
Line 42: Line 45:
== Selection ==
=== Selection ===
[[File:UBIKCPLXUI_MultiSelect1.JPG|thumb|Multi Select mode (XAMARIN)]]
[[File:UBIKCPLXUI_MultiSelect1.JPG|thumb|Multi Select mode (XAMARIN)]]
By default, all objects are deselected when the Multi Select Mode gets invoked. Items can be selected by tapping on them. Therefore, navigating into an object in the list by tapping on it is no longer available. To be able to navigate again, the Multi Select mode needs to be exited.
By default, all objects are deselected when the Multi Select Mode gets invoked. Items can be selected by tapping on them. Therefore, navigating into an object in the list by tapping on it is no longer available. To be able to navigate again, the Multi Select mode needs to be turned off.
To select or deselect all items, <code>MultiSelectViewModel.SelectAllCommand</code> or <code>MultiSelectViewModel.DeselectAllCommand</code> can be used as command binding. These options are not yet included in the XAMARIN UI.
To select or deselect all items, <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.SelectAllCommand</code> or <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.DeselectAllCommand</code> can be used as command binding. These options are currently not presented in the standard XAMARIN UI.
In UWP, there are some additional selection options further to the "Select All" and "Deselect All" buttons. Selecting or deselecting a bunch of items in a row can be achieved by holding shift and first clicking on the first required item and then clicking on the last required item.
In UWP, there are some additional selection related options besides "Select All" and "Deselect All". Selecting or deselecting a bunch of items in a row can be achieved by holding shift and first clicking on the first required item and then clicking on the last required item.
== Performing Actions on selected items ==
== Performing actions on selected items ==
The following actions are currently available in Multi Select mode:
The following actions are currently available in Multi Select mode:
Line 67: Line 69:
* Revert local changes (*)
* Revert local changes (*)
Actions marked with (*) are not yet included in the XAMARIN UI.
Actions marked with (*) are currently not presented in the standard XAMARIN UI. But they can be easily customized in XAML code with the following commands.
==== Copy and Paste ====
=== Copy and paste ===
To copy multiple branches, the <code>CopyBranchesCommand</code> can be used without any additional CommandParameters.
To copy multiple branches, the <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.CopyBranchesCommand</code> can be used without any additional CommandParameters.
The <code>PasteBranchCommand</code> already supports pasting multiple branches, therefore, it can be used to paste the previously copied objects. To clarify, the UI (XAMARIN & UWP) does not include pasting content into the selected objects, rather pasting multiple, previously copied branches into one object. This can be done eg. via the Paste option in the Context Menu.
The <code>ContentViewModel.PasteBranchCommand</code> already supports pasting multiple branches, therefore, it can be used to paste the previously copied objects. To clarify, the UI (XAMARIN & UWP) does not include pasting content into the selected objects, rather pasting multiple, previously copied branches into one object. This can be done eg. via the Paste option in the Context Menu.
=== Download branches ===
To download multiple branches, <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="BranchDownloadCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
=== Discard content ===
To discard selected objects, <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="DiscardContentCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
==== Download Branches ====
=== Delete content ===
To download multiple branches, <code>InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="BranchDownloadCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
To delete selected objects, <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="DeleteContentCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
==== Discard Content ====
=== Download and checkout ===
To discard selected objects, <code>InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="DiscardContentCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
This can be achieved by using the command for downloading, just with an additional KeyValueParameter to set the <code>Key="CheckOut"</code> to "True" as CommandParameter:
==== Delete Content ====
To delete selected objects, <code>InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="DeleteContentCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
==== Download and Checkout ====
The Download and Checkout actions are not yet included in the XAMARIN UI. As shown in the following UWP example, it can be provided like the command for Downloading, just with an additional KeyValueParameter to set the <code>Key="CheckOut"</code> to "True" as CommandParameter:
<source lang = "xml">
<source lang = "xml">
<Button ... Command="{Binding InvokeOnItemsCommand}">
<Button ... Command="{Binding ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand}">
Line 97: Line 97:
=== Checkout ===
To checkout selected objects, <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="CheckOutContentCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
=== Release ===
To release selected objects, <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="ReleaseContentCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
==== Checkout ====
=== Revert local changes ===
To checkout selected objects, <code>InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="CheckOutContentCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
To revert local changes on objects, <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="RevertLocalChangesCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
== Editing common properties of selected items (UWP only) ==
==== Release ====
When selecting or deselecting objects, the commonly shared properties on the left side are constantly updated during that process.
To release selected objects, <code>InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="ReleaseContentCommand"</code> as CommandParameter can be used.
{{Hint|For such a property, if all selected objects share the same property value, that value is displayed as it is; Otherwise, "..." is displayed to indicate the presence of various values.}}
==== Revert local changes ====
Once a user clicks/taps on such a property, an editor dialog is shown and the user can enter values just like when editing properties of single objects. However, when the user finishes editing and confirms the dialog, the value is saved to that property of all selected objects immediately.
To revert locally executed changes on objects, the <code>InvokeOnItemsCommand</code> with a KeyValueList containing <code>Key="Command"</code> and <code>Value="RevertLocalChangesCommand"</code> as CommandParameter should be used. The Revert local changes action is not yet included in the XAMARIN UI.
{{Hint|If the property being edited has various values, a default value (instead of the actual ones) is shown in the editor. E.g. empty for string type, false for boolean type, etc.}}
Further editing of Link properties is currently not supported for multiple objects. Although the related button in the Guid editor dialog is clickable, it is currently inoperable. Also the ''Skipping the dialog'' feature (see [https://wiki.augmensys.com/index.php?title=Editors#Guid_editor| Guid Editor Wiki]) is currently not supported in Multi Select mode.
== Editing common Properties of selected items (UWP only) ==
When selecting or deselecting objects, the commonly shared properties on the left side are constantly updated during that process.
{{Hint|For such a property, if all selected objects share the same property value, that value is displayed as it is; Otherwise, "..." is displayed to indicate the presence of various values.}}
Once a user clicks/taps on such a property, an editor dialog is shown and the user can enter values just like when editing properties of single objects. However, when the user finishes editing and confirms the dialog, the value is saved to that property of all selected objects immediately.
{{Hint|If the property being edited has various values, a default value (instead of the actual ones) is shown in the editor. E.g. empty for string type, false for boolean type, etc.}}
== Multi select for filtered lists ==
In the standard UI, multi selection targets the original unfiltered lists. However, those lists are often presented in several filtered lists in many cases. See content filtering in [[XAML_Changes_in_UBIK_WinX_3.5#Filtering_by_expressions|UWP]] and in [[Xamarin_XAML#Content_filtering|Xamarin]].
The multi select related XAML code (essentially <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation</code>) in the standard UI can not be used directly in such scenarios. Because all filtered lists share the same original source list (<code>ListViewModel</code>). If the multi select feature is turned on from the original source list, all filtered lists will be affected.
For example, a source list can be divided into two filtered lists, one for finished tasks and the other for the unfinished ones. If you use the <code>ListViewModel.BulkOperation.SelectAllCommand</code>, it will select all tasks even though in the UI it will appear as if only those finished/unfinished are selected.
To avoid such a situation, the multi select feature should be turned on from the filtered lists instead. This means the following types:
* UWP: ListCollectionView;
* Xamarin: SfDataSourceExt.
Here's also an example of multi select related XAML code adapted for a filtered list.
<tab name="UWP">
<source lang = "xml">
      <x:String x:Key="FilterExpression">Item.Header.ToLower().Contains(&quot;1&quot;)==true</x:String>
      <cv:ListCollectionView x:Key="FilteredList" Expression="{StaticResource FilterExpression}" ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" />
    <!--  Multi Select Panel  -->
        ContentTemplate="{Binding TemplateService[UBIKMultiSelectPanel]}"
        DataContext="{StaticResource FilteredList}"
        Visibility="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}, Converter={StaticResource EqualToVisConverter}, ConverterParameter=Multiple, FallbackValue=Collapsed, TargetNullValue=Collapsed}">
    <!--  Filtered List  -->
        ItemsSource="{StaticResource FilteredList}"
        SelectionMode="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}, Converter={StaticResource ChildItemSelectionModeToListViewSelectionModeConverter}}">
        <core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="SelectionChanged">
          <core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionChangedCommand, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}" InputConverter="{StaticResource SelectionChangedEventArgsConverter}" />
    <!--  Multi Select Toggle Button  -->
        Command="{Binding BulkOperation.ToggleMultiSelectCommand, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}"
        Visibility="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}, Converter={StaticResource EqualToVisConverter}, ConverterParameter=None}" />
<tab name="Xamarin">
<source lang = "xml">
            <x:String x:Key="Expresssion">Item.Header.ToLower().Contains(&quot;1&quot;)==false</x:String>
            <controls:SfDataSourceExt x:Key="FilteredList" Expression="{StaticResource Expresssion}" ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" Unloaded="{Binding SkipFiltering}" />
    <!-- Filtered List -->
        ItemsSource="{Binding DisplayItems, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}"
        SelectionMode="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}, Converter={StaticResource SelectionModeConverter}}">
            <behaviors:EventHandlerBehavior EventName="SelectionChanged">
                <behaviors:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionChangedCommand, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}" Converter="{StaticResource SelectionChangedEventArgsConverter}" />
            <behaviors:EventHandlerBehavior EventName="ItemHolding">
                <behaviors:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding BulkOperation.ToggleMultiSelectCommand, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}" />
    <!-- Multi Select Panel -->
        BindingContext="{StaticResource FilteredList}"
        ControlTemplate="{StaticResource UBIKMultiSelectTemplate}"
        IsVisible="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Converter={StaticResource EqualityToBool}, ConverterParameter=Multiple, FallbackValue=false, TargetNullValue=false}" />
{{Hint|The critical part is that wherever the <code>BulkOperation</code> property is accessed, it must be accessed from the <code>FilteredList</code>, not the original unfiltered <code>Children.Items</code> collection.}}
[[Category:Client|Multi Select (UBIK Client)]]
[[Category:Version 4.3|Multi Select (UBIK Client)]]
[[Category:WinX|Mass Edit (UBIK WinX)]]
[[Category:WinX|Mass Edit (UBIK WinX)]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Multi Select (UBIK Client)]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Multi Select (UBIK Client)]]
[[Category:Version 4.3|Multi Select (UBIK Client)]]
[[Category:XAML|Multi Select (UBIK Client)]]
[[Category:Client|Multi Select (UBIK Client)]]

Latest revision as of 09:24, 24 April 2024

The Multi Select mode aims to improve the efficiency of performing actions on a large number of selected objects (XAMARIN & UWP), as well as changing property values for a large number of selected objects (UWP only). Editing property values for a large number of objects was known in some previous UWP versions as Mass Editing. Currently, the Multi Select mode is available for lists of children (including task and query objects) and documents.

Activating the multi select mode


Clicking on a Multi Select button, which will appear when hovering over a list, activates the Multi Select mode. A panel at the left side gets displayed.


The Multi Select mode gets enabled by holding (long tapping) an item. As soon as it is active, a panel on the bottom gets displayed.

In XAML code, you can use ListViewModel.BulkOperation.ToggleMultiSelectCommand to (de)activate the multi select mode.

Multi select panel


The header displays the count of the currently selected items and three buttons. The first one is for selecting all items, the second for deselecting all items at one click. The x button closes the panel and deactivates the Multi Select mode. Further, the panel contains two tabs. The "properties" tab displays all common editable properties of the selected items. If none are selected, or if the selected items don't share any common properties, it will remain empty. The "other options" tab contains buttons to perform actions on all selected items.


The Multi Select panel in the XAMARIN client is located at the bottom. It displays the count of selected items, command buttons for Copy, Discard, Delete and Download actions and a close button to deactivate the Multi Select mode.

Multi Select mode (UWP)

IC Hint square.pngNote: Please only use the buttons in the Multi Select Panel to perform actions on the selected objects. Others, like content area / context menu button actions are still related to the content page and do not work for the selected objects.

For the current usecase and the standard client, the Multi Select mode can be activated for Document and Children objects in parallel, hence when activating the Multi Select mode in the Children tab and then switching to Documents tab, it is possible to enable a separate Multi Select panel there.

By navigating away from the related content page, all active Multi Select modes get deactivated automatically.


Multi Select mode (XAMARIN)

By default, all objects are deselected when the Multi Select Mode gets invoked. Items can be selected by tapping on them. Therefore, navigating into an object in the list by tapping on it is no longer available. To be able to navigate again, the Multi Select mode needs to be turned off.

To select or deselect all items, ListViewModel.BulkOperation.SelectAllCommand or ListViewModel.BulkOperation.DeselectAllCommand can be used as command binding. These options are currently not presented in the standard XAMARIN UI.

In UWP, there are some additional selection related options besides "Select All" and "Deselect All". Selecting or deselecting a bunch of items in a row can be achieved by holding shift and first clicking on the first required item and then clicking on the last required item.

Performing actions on selected items

The following actions are currently available in Multi Select mode:

  • Copy / Paste
  • Download Branches
  • Discard Content
  • Delete Content
  • Download and Checkout (*)
  • Checkout (*)
  • Release (*)
  • Revert local changes (*)

Actions marked with (*) are currently not presented in the standard XAMARIN UI. But they can be easily customized in XAML code with the following commands.

Copy and paste

To copy multiple branches, the ListViewModel.BulkOperation.CopyBranchesCommand can be used without any additional CommandParameters. The ContentViewModel.PasteBranchCommand already supports pasting multiple branches, therefore, it can be used to paste the previously copied objects. To clarify, the UI (XAMARIN & UWP) does not include pasting content into the selected objects, rather pasting multiple, previously copied branches into one object. This can be done eg. via the Paste option in the Context Menu.

Download branches

To download multiple branches, ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand with a KeyValueList containing Key="Command" and Value="BranchDownloadCommand" as CommandParameter can be used.

Discard content

To discard selected objects, ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand with a KeyValueList containing Key="Command" and Value="DiscardContentCommand" as CommandParameter can be used.

Delete content

To delete selected objects, ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand with a KeyValueList containing Key="Command" and Value="DeleteContentCommand" as CommandParameter can be used.

Download and checkout

This can be achieved by using the command for downloading, just with an additional KeyValueParameter to set the Key="CheckOut" to "True" as CommandParameter:

<Button ... Command="{Binding ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand}">
            <controls:KeyValueParameter Key="Command" Value="BranchDownloadCommand" />
            <controls:KeyValueParameter Key="CheckOut" Value="True" />


To checkout selected objects, ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand with a KeyValueList containing Key="Command" and Value="CheckOutContentCommand" as CommandParameter can be used.


To release selected objects, ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand with a KeyValueList containing Key="Command" and Value="ReleaseContentCommand" as CommandParameter can be used.

Revert local changes

To revert local changes on objects, ListViewModel.BulkOperation.InvokeOnItemsCommand with a KeyValueList containing Key="Command" and Value="RevertLocalChangesCommand" as CommandParameter can be used.

Editing common properties of selected items (UWP only)

When selecting or deselecting objects, the commonly shared properties on the left side are constantly updated during that process.

IC Hint square.pngFor such a property, if all selected objects share the same property value, that value is displayed as it is; Otherwise, "..." is displayed to indicate the presence of various values.

Once a user clicks/taps on such a property, an editor dialog is shown and the user can enter values just like when editing properties of single objects. However, when the user finishes editing and confirms the dialog, the value is saved to that property of all selected objects immediately.

IC Hint square.pngIf the property being edited has various values, a default value (instead of the actual ones) is shown in the editor. E.g. empty for string type, false for boolean type, etc.

Further editing of Link properties is currently not supported for multiple objects. Although the related button in the Guid editor dialog is clickable, it is currently inoperable. Also the Skipping the dialog feature (see Guid Editor Wiki) is currently not supported in Multi Select mode.

Multi select for filtered lists

In the standard UI, multi selection targets the original unfiltered lists. However, those lists are often presented in several filtered lists in many cases. See content filtering in UWP and in Xamarin.

The multi select related XAML code (essentially ListViewModel.BulkOperation) in the standard UI can not be used directly in such scenarios. Because all filtered lists share the same original source list (ListViewModel). If the multi select feature is turned on from the original source list, all filtered lists will be affected.

For example, a source list can be divided into two filtered lists, one for finished tasks and the other for the unfinished ones. If you use the ListViewModel.BulkOperation.SelectAllCommand, it will select all tasks even though in the UI it will appear as if only those finished/unfinished are selected.

To avoid such a situation, the multi select feature should be turned on from the filtered lists instead. This means the following types:

  • UWP: ListCollectionView;
  • Xamarin: SfDataSourceExt.

Here's also an example of multi select related XAML code adapted for a filtered list.


      <x:String x:Key="FilterExpression">Item.Header.ToLower().Contains(&quot;1&quot;)==true</x:String>
      <cv:ListCollectionView x:Key="FilteredList" Expression="{StaticResource FilterExpression}" ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" />

    <!--  Multi Select Panel  -->
       ContentTemplate="{Binding TemplateService[UBIKMultiSelectPanel]}"
       DataContext="{StaticResource FilteredList}"
       Visibility="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}, Converter={StaticResource EqualToVisConverter}, ConverterParameter=Multiple, FallbackValue=Collapsed, TargetNullValue=Collapsed}">

    <!--  Filtered List  -->
       ItemsSource="{StaticResource FilteredList}"
       SelectionMode="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}, Converter={StaticResource ChildItemSelectionModeToListViewSelectionModeConverter}}">
        <core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="SelectionChanged">
          <core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionChangedCommand, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}" InputConverter="{StaticResource SelectionChangedEventArgsConverter}" />

    <!--  Multi Select Toggle Button  -->
       Command="{Binding BulkOperation.ToggleMultiSelectCommand, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}"
       Visibility="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}, Converter={StaticResource EqualToVisConverter}, ConverterParameter=None}" />



            <x:String x:Key="Expresssion">Item.Header.ToLower().Contains(&quot;1&quot;)==false</x:String>
            <controls:SfDataSourceExt x:Key="FilteredList" Expression="{StaticResource Expresssion}" ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}" Unloaded="{Binding SkipFiltering}" />

    <!-- Filtered List -->
       ItemsSource="{Binding DisplayItems, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}"
       SelectionMode="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}, Converter={StaticResource SelectionModeConverter}}">
            <behaviors:EventHandlerBehavior EventName="SelectionChanged">
                <behaviors:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionChangedCommand, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}" Converter="{StaticResource SelectionChangedEventArgsConverter}" />
            <behaviors:EventHandlerBehavior EventName="ItemHolding">
                <behaviors:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding BulkOperation.ToggleMultiSelectCommand, Source={StaticResource FilteredList}}" />

    <!-- Multi Select Panel -->
       BindingContext="{StaticResource FilteredList}"
       ControlTemplate="{StaticResource UBIKMultiSelectTemplate}"
       IsVisible="{Binding BulkOperation.ItemSelectionMode, Converter={StaticResource EqualityToBool}, ConverterParameter=Multiple, FallbackValue=false, TargetNullValue=false}" />

IC Hint square.pngThe critical part is that wherever the BulkOperation property is accessed, it must be accessed from the FilteredList, not the original unfiltered Children.Items collection.