
Version 4.7.0 (Server)

4,304 bytes added, 3 May
/* Bug Fixes */
= Kernel =
== Enhancements ==
'''Release 4.7.0.????? (initial release)'''
* CUI: Improved JIT Interface Management: mutual locking (e.g. no export during import) plus configurability to force executions
* CUI: Export provides the possibility to configure the (max) number of exported proxies (for one interface execution).
* CUI Event Notification Processor provides the possibility to configure its scan behaviour (Scan - Delay, Scan-Size, Nbr of processed proxies, number of processed Notifications)
* CUI: solved an issue where exporting of data led to unsaved proxies
* CUI - The general import and export mechanisms were improved and standardized widely.
* CUI the text length for link properties was standardized.
* The performance of the {{UBIK}} Kernel was improved in many aspects (also provided as a patch for 4.6).
* UBIK supports the usage of additional libaries to support more complex Workflows:
** System.Collections.dll
** System.Linq.dll
** System.IO.dll
** System.Runtime.dll
* MRO relevant (System) Properties have a Meta Attribute configured now
* Improved and standardized the Web Service configs. See [[Web_Service_Configuration|Web Service Configuration]] for details.
* Typing and naming errors in the Web Service config where fixed. See [[Configuration_Files/AppSettings.config|App Settings]] for details.
* MRO relevant properties use Meta Attributes now
== Features ==
'''Release 4.7.0.????? (initial release)'''
* Enterprise Server provides the possibility to configure json task configuration and contain multiple task definitions
* UBIK provides Min / Max and Min / Norm / Max Properties now.
** [[SYSCLS_OCRSCANQUERY|OCR Scan Query Classification]]
* UBIK.Studio provides the possibility to enable/disable or refresh the [[Database_View_Creation|Human readable Views via the UI]] now .
* With the UpdateArbitraryObjectCommand it is now possible to update an arbitrary object based on a set of provided parameters.
* Bing Road Maps is now supported as a new map type for WinX (See [[Map_View|Map_View]]).
=== [[MaTaP|UBIK MaTaP Prototype]] ===
* [[Turn Around Wallpaper]] is available
* Documents can be attached to WorkOrders and Operations/ScopeChanges
* User rights can be configured easily for Reporting, [[Scope Changes]] and [[Punch Points]]
* Automatic generation and maintenance of Logins and UserGroups
* ScopeChanges can be created under WorkOrders
* Operations can be duplicated as ScopeChanges
* ScopeChange functionality/page is available
* ScopeChange filtering is available
* Timesheets can be attached to Operations and ScopeChanges
* Automatic calculation of Timesheets
* Due Date can be set for PunchPoints
* Default template data is provided.
* Matap provides possibility to create template data
* Template data will be copied to a new project by executing the TurnaroundProjectCreationJob
* UBIK.ServiceTask.dll is now included in the binaries
* Jobs can be dispatched to be executed on the EnterpriseService
* Executing Jobs for Projects via the [[MaTaP Admin Tool]] [[Project Page]]
* Jobs are conditionally disabled
* A set of standard jobs is provided:
** RecalculateProjectJob
** RecalculateWorkOrderJob
** TurnaroundProjectCreationJob
** ApplyImportedDataJob
* Several ImportJobs (via Excel files) for the following Data:
** Operations and their scheduling data
** Equipments (including Equipment Types, Equipment Groups, Systems and Subsystems)
** WorkOrders
** Users
** Companies
** Materials
== Bug Fixes ==
'''Release 4.7.0.????? (initial release)'''
* An issue where concurrent processes were able to provoke a primary key violation in the change log table was fixed.
* Changed the log level of an error message where the injection folder was missing to "Warning".
* Now it is prevented to add (override) an already inherited MetaProperty with the wrong type.
* An issue where a failure to save a HotSpotting annotation was undetected was fixed.
* Fixed an issue where reverting a property value led to saving all other properties with unsaved changes on the related ContentViewModel. == Enhancements ==* Fixed an issue where the XAML deployment didn't get redeployed after deletion.* CUI: Improved JIT Interface Management: mutual locking Fixed an issue where the building level buttons are not always visible on some iOS devices (e.g. no export during importiPhone 8) plus configurability to force executions.* CUI: Export provides Fixed an issue where the possibility to configure TextBox of String properties was too small. Fixed an issue where the (max) number Text Length Hint was not centered on Android* Added the AutoSaveDocumentsOnPageClose property to enable auto saving of exported proxies (for one interface execution)documents when navigating away.* CUI: solved (iOS) Fixed an issue where exporting the content of data led to unsaved proxiesthe side menu can be covered by the devices' notch.* CUI - The general import and export mechanisms were improved and standardized widelyFixed an Issue that cause annotations not being loaded on large PDFs.* The performance of (Android) Fixed a permission related issue during the {{UBIK}} Kernel was improved in many aspects app's first launch. (also provided as UWP) Fixed an issue where the app doesn't select a patch for 4camera by default and the in app camera views (POI, scan, etc.6)do not function until one is selected by the user.* UBIK supports Fixed an issue that prevented the usage of additional libaries to support more complex Workflows: property UI from being updated properly.*Fixed an issue where the scan window in the string editor can not be displayed on Windows 11.* SystemFixed an issue where the user can not interact with the document view (Image, PDF, 3D, Video, etc.Collections). The UBIKDocumentContentArea template is now customizable.dll*Fixed an issue where setting value ranges on DateTime query criteria do not always work.* SystemAn issue where concurrent processes were able to provoke a primary key violation in the change log table was fixed.Linq.dll*Fixed an issue where pressing the previous button in the pdfviewer led to a freezing of the app * SystemFixed an issue where it's not always possible to revert/reset changes on queries.IO.dll** SystemFixed an issue where the objects were not sorted after creating or changing them.Runtime* Excluded Queries from changed objects.dll* MRO relevant (System) Properties have Fixed an issue where task items started duplicating when changing them fast in a Meta Attribute configured nowrow.* Improved and standardized Fixed an issue where the Web Service configsapp might freeze or crash when you flip through a large list of PDF documents.
== Known Issues ==