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Version 4.7.0 (Server)

1,715 bytes added, 2 May
/* Bug Fixes */
* Now it is prevented to add (override) an already inherited MetaProperty with the wrong type.
* An issue where a failure to save a HotSpotting annotation was undetected was fixed.
* Fixed an issue where reverting a property value led to saving all other properties with unsaved changes on the related ContentViewModel.
* Fixed an issue where the XAML deployment didn't get redeployed after deletion.
* Fixed an issue where the building level buttons are not always visible on some iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 8).
* Fixed an issue where the TextBox of String properties was too small. Fixed an issue where the Text Length Hint was not centered on Android
* Added the AutoSaveDocumentsOnPageClose property to enable auto saving of documents when navigating away.
* (iOS) Fixed an issue where the content of the side menu can be covered by the devices' notch.
* Fixed an Issue that cause annotations not being loaded on large PDFs.
* (Android) Fixed a permission related issue during the app's first launch. (UWP) Fixed an issue where the app doesn't select a camera by default and the in app camera views (POI, scan, etc.) do not function until one is selected by the user.
* Fixed an issue that prevented the property UI from being updated properly.
* Fixed an issue where the scan window in the string editor can not be displayed on Windows 11.
* Fixed an issue where the user can not interact with the document view (Image, PDF, 3D, Video, etc.). The UBIKDocumentContentArea template is now customizable.
* Fixed an issue where setting value ranges on DateTime query criteria do not always work.
* An issue where concurrent processes were able to provoke a primary key violation in the change log table was fixed.
* Fixed an issue where pressing the previous button in the pdfviewer led to a freezing of the app
* Fixed an issue where it's not always possible to revert/reset changes on queries.